The condition of chili plants in my garden

in Steemit Philippineslast year

Welcome to meet all friends, how are you today, I hope that you will always be in good health and also full of enthusiasm according to the expectations we want, of course, and in this case let us always share and also continue to share interesting things that might be becomes a condition that we must share with all our friends.

Best wishes and happy greetings always to the admin of the STEEMIT PHILIPPINES community, namely Mr. @juichi and also @loloy2020, I hope he is always healthy and stays happy with his beloved family.


In today's post, I will show all my friends, for the conditions in my garden that are currently under treatment, because in this case the conditions of the garden that I have are of course very different from before, because with the condition of the garden that looks very fertile and also has a short time for the harvest.

Chili plants for now, which are in the maintenance and maintenance stage, really make me continue to be able to increase my enthusiasm so that later they will be more improved in terms of what I want.


Maybe all of our friends also hope to have chili plants with an abundant increase in yield so that we don't get lost by things that we really don't expect, that's why we need to examine the pattern and how to care for the chili plants that we have.

Thus, it is not enough to work alone in caring for our chili plants, instead we need knowledge about procedures for caring for this type of chili plant so that we can get abundant results.


From the beginning choosing superior chili seeds, seeding, planting to caring for chili plants, this must really be owned in order to understand the pattern of caring for chili plants to avoid sharing matters related to failure in these plants.

That's all friends, I hope this can be useful, and will also become knowledge for all of us, so with this I can also hope that all farmers will continue to be enthusiastic towards our hopes so that later they will be able to develop more.

Thank you all friends, I hope this is useful.


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Thank you for sharing your experience and insights about taking care of chili plants in your garden. It's inspiring to see someone who is passionate about farming and striving to improve their yields. Your commitment to learning about the proper procedures for caring for chili plants is commendable, and it's great that you are sharing your knowledge with others. I hope that your hard work and dedication will lead to a bountiful harvest and serve as an inspiration to others to take an interest in farming. Keep up the great work!

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