The Diary Game Season 3 (06-21-2021 ) Passing a Licensure Exam

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago

Good Day Guys

Let me share with you how I started my week. These past few nights I've been playing with my cousin and siblings. We were playing GTA V. We didn't notice the time and it was already past 1 o clock am. Me and my sister had work and my cousin had class. I couldn't sleep so I slept at around 3 in the morning.

I woke up feeling really groggy but I had to motivate myself so I woke up and finished my blog then got ready for work. It was my morning bath that woke me up. I had to drive myself to work and I left the house at around 7:35 in the morning. I texted to inform our family friend that I was going to park at their place. When I got there, she was already waiting for me by the gate and she opened the gate for me, shooing the dogs away. I told her that my mom is going to be parking there the next day. I then walked to my workplace, passed through the triage, and timed in. I went then to our department and I was just there waiting for our doctors' endorsements.

Our doctor finally came and told me the updated management of our patient and told me about one of our patients before was being resuscitated. I was thinking that patient was strong. So I didn't mind. After getting the endorsements I was getting ready and fixing all the equipment needed to treat our patient. Climbed up the stairs to treat our patient. She was having low back pain last week but now her problem was her gouty arthritis. When I was looking at it, she could hardly move her right knee because of the pain. It was in a flexed position, I was trying to let her straighten it but she would guard it. I had to ice her knees. She claimed that she felt slight relief after the treatment.


She was our only patient. I went back to our department and I had to make more ice bags because the dietary said that we ran out already. After making some more, I brought it up to the dietary so they could freeze it in their freezer. Then I was just sitting. Suddenly our secretary told me one of the patients was for discharge. This was the patient who our doctor said that they were trying to resuscitate. I was wondering why his name popped out in the discharge notice so I asked someone, and that's when I confirmed that our patient died. It was really sad because he was still young, he was 40 years old only.

Later on, one of the doctors told me that one of our referrals also died last Sunday. I was in complete shock because of their deaths. They were both in their 40's. Last week 3 of our patients died also. This pandemic is not a joke, there are a lot of people who are dying since it started. I was in disbelief during the morning.

Our doctor asked me to treat his secretary because he said that he was still feeling pain in his neck area so I had to treat him. After treating him, I ate lunch and I was just talking to my girlfriend. My girlfriend had to drop by because she ordered something from one of my colleagues. I brought the order to her and she was so sweet and thoughtful to bring me this greek yogurt bar. It's one of my favorites. It was perfect because it was hot during the day.

Later on, I had to treat our patient again because our doctor told me to go back and ice her knees. After the treatment, I went back down and I was just resting. Then I got 2 new referrals. I prepared the chart of one of the referrals and I was waiting for the doctor, but he never came. Then it hit 5 pm

I immediately left our department to time out and then, I messaged my brother that I was on my way out. He wanted to meet with me so that he could give their gift for my grandpa for Father's Day. When I was driving outside of the gate, I noticed that there was a message from the agency that I used. I've been waiting for the result of my exam which I took last Tuesday. When I first saw it I was really hesitant in reading it and I drove going home.

When I was driving home, it was really traffic at the Rotondo of BGH. I had to stay there for around 20 minutes weaving my way through going out of this place. I finally reached our house and called my mom if she could the gifts to my grandpa because I didn't want to go because I just came right from the hospital. I also told her that I have my results and she told me to wait and pray before opening it. I then went downstairs to our place and disinfected. After disinfecting, I brought out my sax and started practicing. I really missed that routine because I used to do that every day before I was processing for the exam.

My mom came down and she told me to open it already, we opened it then it said that I passed the exam. I was really happy at that moment. My other colleague also who took it last Friday passed it. Thank God we passed it after all the reviewing while working. Now we are still thinking about what we should do.

I was then using my computer then we ate dinner. After dinner, I was just watching anime and then I was feeling sleepy, I noticed our internet was becoming slow and I can't handle the lag so I went to my bed and slept. That sleep felt so good but I woke up at around 12:30 am.

I hope that you guys had a wonderful day!

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .



 3 years ago 

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