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RE: Steemit Philippines Community: "COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CHALLENGE" (JUNE 3-5, 2022) Week 1

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Here's my entry:


Global warming is the cause of human activity even before the 18th century when coal became the main in demand raw material to run a machinery. Therefore, climate change is the by product caused by human activity itself. It is rather hard to prove that nothing is happening since such thing cànnot be seen by the naked eye but the effect is humongous! Since there's no turning back but rather face the consequences of the cause and effect of global warming, the best thing to do is for us to at least hasten further damages to our only planet.

It is of great knowledge that the excessive release of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the main component that traps the heat of the sun thus warming the planet and the oceans causing further changes in weather patterns of the Earth's climate. In view of this, it is only proper to reduce the excessive release of Carbon Dioxide such as the following:

  1. Recycling waste materials from our kitchen or household wastes. I place this as the number 1 factor to lessen water and air pollution. Study shows that in so doing, 2,400 pounds of Carbon Dioxide is reduced per year by just recycling even half of your kitchen's waste/empty materials.

  2. As much as possible, we will try to avoid packaged products. We can avoid kitchen wastes by 10% thereby saving Carbon Dioxide to over 1,200 lbs of such per year.

  3. Drive less and prevent carbon emissions. You can save Carbon dioxide if you prefer to walk, ride a bike or commute in public transportation. It is said that you can save a pound of carbon dioxide for every kilometer that you don't drive!

  4. Checking your tires. See to it that your tires are properly inflated. This will improve your gas consumption over 3%. It will enormously save 20 lbs. of Carbon Dioxide out in the atmosphere!

  5. Using a compact fluorescent light instead of regular light bulb will save at least 150 lbs. of Carbon Dioxide each year.

  6. If possible, do not use hot water when taking a bath or do it quickly or do the cooler shower including washing of clothes in washing machines. You will be able to save Carbon Dioxide to at least 500 lbs./year!

  7. Shutting down the electrical devices of your home when not in function could hugely save thousands of Carbon Dioxide per year! Just imagine this guys, it's beyond our knowledge that we have in fact had indirectly contributed to global warming notwithstanding the fire hazards it could bring to our household due to our carelessness!

  8. The last but not the least, Plant Trees! Making our planet green once again and avoid illegal logging will surely make our world a better place to live. It is of great knowledge that Trees takes in Carbon dioxide and releases Oxygen which is beneficial to mankind.

My steemit friends, it's not too late yet. We should act now so that the future generations will still be able to live and enjoy a clean and green environment!

This is my entry for our Weekly Community Engagement Week 1. Thank you for reading and big thanks to Steemit Philippines Community for having me and of course for their booming support.
Further, I am inviting @jurich60, @caydenshan and @jewel89 to take part in this noble endeavour to save our mother nature. God bless us all!


 2 years ago 

Set up free programs to combat climate change, poverty, and social cohesion, as well as to improve national health and education (or nominal cost). This could be linked to a local growing initiative to grow vegetables rather than grass lawns.

How can we assist Earth as a blessed child? We can achieve this by reducing pollution that harms air quality, oceans, groundwater, and soils. We can accomplish this by protecting creation, specifically forests and natural wildlife populations. Earth vandalism affects everyone, and we must protect our ecosystems

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