SEC / S8W5 - WHAT IF YOU ARE A SUPERHEROsteemCreated with Sketch.

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Good day to you all present in this community today. I am @preshy101 and today, I am here to participate in the ongoing engagement contest that has been scheduled by this community in other for users to participate which has been titled "What if you are a superhero".

I hereby invite @promis-levi, @v-brainer, @solexybaba.

In a short while, I will be attempting some questions that have been provided by this community contest team as a guide for carrying out the contest. Here is my entry below.

What is your Superhero name?

If I am to be a superhero, the name I would choose to be called is lightning. I would love that name so well as it will be a name coined from my ability. From the name lightning one can predict what kind of super power I possess and that would be me controlling whatever that is made up of electricity and current.

What superpowers do you possess?

Just as I have said earlier, I possess the current power. In me, I have current that flows from within which in turn can either generate electricity and current or destroy anything made up of electricity and current. I can also control those things that are made up of current and electricity. Such as the computers, laptops, cell phones, and other devices.

Why did you choose these powers?

The reason why I chose this powers is because in my country Nigeria, we have problems that we are currently battling with such as insurgency and terrorism. These terrorists are people who gets information from the bushes where they stay via communication.


They use their cell phone devices to receive information from their informant regarding a particular individual or persons especially the vulnerable who are striving to survive. They capture and kidnap these persons and later they'll ask for ransom from persons connected to the kidnapped individuals.

We know that it is hard to completely eradicate these individuals and as such, I will use my powers to cease all the network transmitters located around the bushes to halt communications between the informant and the terrorists.

I can as well allow them to communicate but on the other hand I will equally listen to their conversations as though I controls current flow. With that information, I can then locate the targeted person or persons and tell them about what will happen in no time. With that, I will save many people from being harmed by terrorists.

Once they noticed that their targets are not forthcoming, they'll bounce back to their informant and deal with that person for giving them wrong information not knowing that I was the reason behind their failure. That will continue until the level of kidnapping and terrorists will reduce so well. With that I have solved a particular problem that is disturbing.

What do you aim to accomplish with the superpowers you have?

I aimed at solving the disturbing issue in my country. Everyday we get information from the news that a particular number of persons have been taken hostage and the kidnappers are equally asking for ransom. If the money doesn't get to them in a given time then they execute the victim.

That is what I aimed at solving. Using my power to either get the information shared by the kidnappers and the key informant by transiting their discussion to my device and getting the necessary information regarding the persons who are to be victimized and then save them from the situation that is about to happen via reaching them first.

With this power I know that I would be saving a lot of people and also join forces with the military persons to attack and apprehend these terrorists hiding in the bush since I have the abilities to control lightning.

Superheroes are needed in times like this. The world needs healing and if we had Superheroes just like in the movie, I believe that the world through the help of these Superheroes would be a better place to live in.

This is the end of my article today.


Such super powers are very good it helps the country in stopping terrorism mostly the tracking of the phones they used for calls. I also wish to have the current super powers

Oh. Genial tu súper Héroe con el Nombre de Rayo estará dispuesto a acabar con el terrorismo en tu país, logrando detector a los secuestradores y acabando con su maldad

Es execelente

Buena suerte

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Con rayo dispuesto a terminar con el terrorismo y la insurgencia, la calma volverá a Nigeria así que, tus fabulosos poderes serán la artillería perfecta para que tu misión la puedas finiquitar.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

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