in Steemit Philippines3 years ago (edited)



What I was actually looking for when I watched the movie was an inspiring story of entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, I didn’t find it in the movie although honestly, I didn’t really enjoy watching it and even had a hard time comprehending the story.

Maybe it is really different when you watch a movie because you just want to watch one or you want to relax compared to when you need to watch it and afterward you should write down a very long reaction paper.

I was really disturbed with the thought that I do need to write my opinion about the movie after, which I should focus also on the legal issues that transpired in the movie.

But for some, I know that they would really want to watch the movie over and over again, and perhaps I would watch it again also if I have time.



Anyway, I would like to start with how I perceive the real founder of McDonalds which I don’t consider as Ray Kroc but the brothers' Mac and Dick.

It was the two hardworking fellows whom I acknowledged to be the real actor behind the emergence of McDonalds.

Why? Because they are the one who started the business and was able to create a good and effective system where they can cater customer’s orders in just a very short span of time.

It was that system in addition to the food they created that makes the business successful even if they are only confined in a single store.

The brothers also depict a character or attitude of a good person being able to manage or supervise their staff effectively such that all of them cooperated and really work hand in hand and with high level of standards.

In its operation of the business, they showed compliance with all the legalities of operating a business as well as being able to provide their customers quality and delicious burgers.



Now, he may be the reason why we have thousands of McDonalds around the world, but just based on his character or role in the movie, I do dislike him. It seems that I see in him a perpetrator or someone who will stab you in your back just for him to get what he wants.

Another reason why I don’t like Kroc was that he seems to be a lawbreaker, such that he violated some provisions in their contract. The Franchise contract between him and the 2 brothers.

Just like when he wants to cut down on refrigeration costs so he proposed to add a powder substitute for liquid milk in the milkshakes, and when the 2 brothers refused, he found ways to exploit the weaknesses in the contract and eventually relinquishing ownership and control.



In the movie, it was shown that Kroc deliberately breached the contract a number of times. And that was supposed to be a ground to invalidate the contract by filing a case against Kroc. But I wonder why there was no case filed. Even if it was shown that the brothers were being deceived and that they were in a situation wherein they can no longer control Kroc even if they are the real owner of the business.


On the other hand, I also see the perseverance and the strong determination of Kroc to materialize its vision of expansion, no matter what or for what it would cost.

When the brothers refused his proposal in his first attempt he never stops. He tried hard to convince them until they succumbed to his plans.

I also see adversities and failures in his attempt to get more business partners or franchises but he persistently continues until he successfully found entrepreneurs who partnered with him in the business.


What I learned from the movie which I can relate to my present status as a small-time businessman is that we should never get a business partner because he or she is our friend and that we trust him or her. Time will come that you will no longer be amenable to each other’s decision which could lead to the dissolution of the partnership and worst the loss of your friendship.

I think it would be better to start a business on your own and continue with it without the help or participation of other people.

So there you go the ladies and gentlemen that was the story behind McDonalds, and even if I don't like the movie that much but I still recommend it, try to watch it for yourself.

Keep safe everyone and God bless!


Big thanks to @baa.steemit for the gif footer and to all who in one way or another had helped and supported me in my journey here on #steemit.

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