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RE: Steemit Philippines Photography Contest Week #5 - Filipino Food Photography: Lechon Belly

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago
Judge: @loloy2020
CategoryDetails (✅/❌)
Theme: Filipino Food Photography
Fully Verified
Correct Title and Tags
Used the #steemexclusive tag
At least 300 Words
set @steemitphcurator 20% benefactor
Mentioned 3 Friends
Write-ups RatingGood
Criteria for JudgingRatings/Score)
1. Relevance to the theme9.6
2. Creativity9.3
3. Technique9.3
4. Overall impact9.3
5. Quality of story9.3
Total Ratings/Score9.36

Maka laway man pud ta ani oi..Hahahaha... pero salamat s pag share, walay sample...Hahahahah

 3 years ago 

wy sapayan sir ug salamat sab kaayo @loloy2020... kinaham kaayo ning pagkauna hastang hb di kabalibad ini sir.

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