My Bible Lesson of the Day: The Importance of Life

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago

A BLessed day to all our Steemit Philippines Community and I just pray for peace and protection!!!

Today will be another day for all of us as we survived again another day in spite of the pandemic we still encountered. I have shared a few days ago about some health issues that happened to me and I thank God for I am now fully recovered and ready to do all my roles and responsibility in the Steemit Philippines Community.

As I've mentioned, I am fully recovered and I thank God for that, and because of what happened, I realized how important our life is and we must always take good care of it.

Starting today, I will occasionally be going to share some Bible lessons that we might get lessons and guidance in life and in our relationship to God. My very first lesson to share with all of you will be, The Importance of Life.

Image Source:, edited using Power Point.



Before we go forward to our lesson, let us know first some important things in your life that you want to save if your house is burning and enumerate it base on the most important to the less important, then explain to yourself, why?

Maybe it is either, your memorable pictures, your money, important documents and etc. This will identify mostly the things that are very important to you that you don't to lose it to your life.

Now, after you answered and give reasons why is it is very important, let us continue to our lesson.


Let us now discuss what the Bible says about the importance of life. This way we will be able to know God's point of view of giving importance to our life in general.

Everything that God created is very good and important and that includes life.

Let us read the word of God in the following Bible verses.

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These verses talk about the general review and approval of everything that God had made at the end of the six days of work of creation in which He said it is very good. Everything that we see in the world is as good as it is the time God created it until the time came to that man fall from sin and fall away from the glory of God. The most important creation of God is us, humans, for He formed us through His hands and give life through His breath.

God created everything in the following manners:

  1. The plan was wise and well-executed.
  2. The different parts were properly arranged.
  3. Nature, limits, mode of existence, manner of propagation, habits, and mode of sustenance were properly and permanently established and secured.
  4. Everything was formed to the utmost perfection of its nature so that nothing could be added or diminished.

Man’s life is more important than the totality of this world.

Let us read the Word of God in Mark 8:36-37.

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What good is it for a person to gain the riches and the whole world, all earthly pleasures, fame, and possessions if this were possible and yet lose his/her soul, not gaining eternal life from God? It is not good for no one can a man exchange his/her life for what is in this world.

Everything that we see and achieved in this world is just temporary and we will never bring it to the afterlife, what is the most important thing we must focus on now is our spiritual life. Let us build a strong relationship with God before anything else.

Our life is very important and precious in the eyes of God for we were made by His own hands and gives life through His breath. Let us always put on our my mind that God is always loved and cares for us and that we must also love and have faith in Him alone.

This will be all for today's lesson and I just hope and pray that everything that we see and read here will help and guide each one of us in our spiritual living.

To God be the Glory!!!

Mabuhay ang Steemit Philippines Community

Gif Footer Credits to @baa.steemit


Footer credits to @kennyroy

 3 years ago 

Life is a gift from God. It's meant to be enjoyed and taken cared of. We should always thank the Lord for this gift that during the time He will take it back we'll be proud that we have lived our life with a purpose. Thanks for this reminder.

 3 years ago 

!zen 30

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 3 years ago 

Life is fragile, so value every moment while there is time.

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