Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 6) || "What's on top of your bucket list?"

in Steemit Philippineslast year


Everyone should aspire to live their lives to the fullest. Perhaps they desire happiness? But how can one actually get happy? Each one has their own small method to accomplish that. To finish and fill in the hollow area. Through gallons of alcohol, perhaps, or perhaps through a truckload of junk food. In either case, those "small things" have already contributed to a great deal of joy. As a result, we make bucket lists to direct us and assist us in achieving our goals of finding happiness. We are able to picture our perception of happiness through this in one way or another.


As a student I have a limited ceiling for my bucket list, well at least for now. I plan on achieving this even if it takes me years. First on my bucket list is probably the most generic bucket list that is to exist. To travel around the world. This is because for me, traveling to new places fascinates me. It brings me euphoria to be able to see different buildings, architectural styles, and especially to taste new cuisines. I plan to accomplish this before I reach my late 30's, as to me it is the peak of human life. But here is the thing, I don't want to do it alone. I have this one person I hold dear that I plan on traveling with everywhere. That person is my girlfriend. It would never be complete without her by my side. This bucket list is a goal I share with her, and I intend to keep it that way.


Second on my list is to buy my father a lot area for him to plant his crops. My father is a simple man with a simple dream. He plans to settle in our province of Camotes Islands and live a peaceful life away from the city. I remember vividly how he told me he dreams of a small native house but with a ginormous land of space for him to farm. And I still remember that look in his eyes, the look of passion, love, desire, and happiness. I plan to give this to him as a reward for all the things he did for me - the love he gave, the tears he shed, and the bruises he took just to make me happy. I want this done before I turn 35, because that is before he turns 65. I think he will still have that drive in him even late in his years. All I want is to see him happy, just like how he brings happiness to my life.


Lastly, third on my list is to be able to provide whatever my mother wants. Just like my father, she made sacrifices in order to provide for us. Arguably even greater sacrifices. She went abroad because she knew that if she stays here in our country, it will never be enough. Unlike my father though, my mother is ambitious. She wants to travel, go shopping, and even taste different cuisines from different places around the globe. You could say I got some of my attitude from her.


You might be wondering how I intend to accomplish this. through devotion and hard work. But "hard labor" can only go so far in helping you. You must never let up and pair it with the appropriate mindset. I want to launch my own company, but I'm not certain how exactly. After I start earning money, I want to try my hand at investing in the stock market and cryptocurrencies. In the meantime, I'm going to focus on studying hard so that I can make my family happy and proud. I know that if I finish school, I will be one step closer to achieving every goal or bucket list that I have.



This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09.

Congratulations! (1).png

Curated by - @juichi

 last year 

Thank you so much, I am thrilled! <3

 last year 

Very beautiful post. It’s good to see that you have very awesome plans. Yeah, it’s true that these cannot be achieved overnight. You need to put in efforts and determination and with time, you will achieve everything. Thanks for sharing this with us. I wish you great success in everything you do.

 last year 

I wish the same to you too, thank you <3

 last year 

Wellcome Thank you so much

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