The Diary Game Season 3 (02-13-2022) | Sunday Activities

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago

This Sunday was a little different because my husband was delivering the message and its his first time to speak in front of the congregation. James’ weakness is actually public speaking but this weakness has been used by God. I am proud of how God had transformed him into who he is right now.

And since James had to speak, we have to get to church earlier, I always aim to reach church before nine in the morning but there are always so many things that would hinder us from doing so. It is just so hard specially that I have a baby, I have to prepare both him and myself and you know how ladies take so much time in preparing. Good thing, I am not into make ups and I thank that using mask is a must, I don’t have to wear lip tint too or whatsoever, I just tie my hair, make sure my face isn’t oily and then wear the mask and that’s it, we were off.

But why is it that whenever we are about to go out, there are always things which gets left behind? I don’t really understand this but anyway, we have to go.

At church, we met our friends, the youth, and the rest of the members. I always love corporate worship. And then it was James’ time to speak. He said he was nervous but he did pretty well! There were imperfections of course but overall, he had delivered his message good enough. It was short though but I guess that’s fine, he was able to deliver his message and I hope that he had encourage the members. I believe he will have his own schedule in preaching from now on. Praise God for his grace.

After church, we had to go home, have lunch. We had visitors too, some disciples of my mother, they have weekly Bible study every Sunday evening. We shared our lunch and we had talked so many things over the table.

By 1:20 PM, we headed back to church because there’s a youth activity happening at another church and the young people
are joining the event. There were three cars which brought our young people to Jone’s place in Candijay, Bohol. The Voice of Triumph Church had invited us to join in their Hearts’ Day event entitled Relationship Goals: Christ Above All.

The event ran from 2 PM until almost six in the evening, we listened to Pastor Armar Itong as he delivered his message to the youth. I do hope that they all had learned and understood in their heart what the message was and that they would live by it.

There were snacks provided, Matti got tired and slept before the snacks were even distributed.

When it was already six in the evening, we were a bit concerned that the parents of these young people would be mad that their children are not yet home so even if the program was not yet done, we decided to go home instead and pull them out. The last part of the event was just some music session so that’s okay.

We reached home at 6:30 PM. I was really tired, I wanted to actually go online and do some upvotes on other contents but I was so tired, I still have a baby to breastfed so I decided to sleep first and then see what time I can wake up. Unfortunately, I woke up at quarter to five in the morning, that means I am really drained that day.

How was your Sunday guys?

Inviting my friends to join the diary game too @g10a @jjeeppeerrxx @gecellbeltran

To know me better, you may check my introductory post here: I Give Steemit Another Hello - An Introductory Post


Boholana | Cebu | Philippines | Travel | Photography Enthusiast | Calligraphy | Art
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gif credits: @baa.steemit

 2 years ago 

Bless to see and hear such a wonderful testimony like this..God bless you more in Jesus name..

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