The Diary Game Season 3 (10-18-21) | “Unforgettable Highschool Moments”( 20% of this post will set to @steemitphcurator as beneficiary)

in Steemit Philippines3 years ago (edited)


All of us have this so called bad and good memories.

Some of those moments in my life were when I was in Junior High School way back 2017. I transferred to DNHS from QSU. My journey back then was not easy, I needed to adjust with my new school, new environment. And I hate the part of moving, while I don't know how to adjust. I thought I will face all of those hard moments all the way in 2017 (I'm grade 8 that time) but I was wrong. I met friends who helped me to adjust. With them my adjustment went good and I started to love my new school, with my new friends.

I will introduce them to you.

Cherry is the one at the left side wearing jacket and Jona is the one at the right side. (Were not complete here.)


These are our complete pictures together.

This was taken inside our classroom. I guess it was break time when we took this one.

Jona (the one in front, she's the one holding the phone to take a groupie.)
Xyra the one next to Jona
Rosalina, me, and Cherry.

The boys at the back were my friends admirers hahaha. Wew, part of highschool life though.


This moment was when we were at the gym. Our classroom is the nearest room to our gymnasium that's why if we don't have task to do in some of our subjects we come here to chika chika (talk).

I remember, I borrowed someone's phone here hehe. O, we exchanged phone I must say.


I'm with Cherry in this picture, and we took it inside our classroom, recess time I guess.


This picture is taken after afternoon classes, we were with our adviser. She's so kind, I'm really thankful I went to her section.

GRADE 8 RUBY too much stories in that section.


Funny, I still wore my QSU lace that time.

We went to eat lunch at the restaurant. I'm with my friends, my classmate. We were close back then. They used to come with me when we go out, but mostly I'm with my closest friends that time.




In this circle of friends, Cherry is the one closest to me. She's there everytime our teachers have something to asked and we both do it, we both help each other to finish the task. Me and Cherry were honor students that time that’s the reason why we were always together, but Jona, Xyra and Rosalina were there to support us.


2017-2018 that was the year when I was in my 8th grade. And that was the time I met these five, my five close friends.

2017, when I transferred to DNHS I got to be friends with my sister's friends. @jeycel friends and my friends got reunited.






We were not complete here huhu. We don't have complete pictures. But I remember all my friends and all my sister's friends were came all to swim at the river near to our house.

Thankfully, when we were at 9th grade we were still classmates! BUT of course even when we were classmates we still have our own tasks to do. Jona got her boyfriend, Rosalina was with Jona too and they've met some friends too. So were kinda splitted. Me, Cherry, and Xyra was the one who were always inside the classroom room (pa good students kami, wew). And we met Leslyn that time. She's friendly and we got close to her too. She's nice though!

Leslyn is Jona’s cousin.

Year 2019, 9th grade.


There's a change. Some of us changed. We are still friends but not as close as before. They met new friends, I met new friends too. But we are still friends.

2019 Zumba Contest in our school.

Thanks to Cherry, who didn't leave me, who sticked besides. And thanks to Leslyn who supported me, who became my friend too.

This photo was taken after the awarding ceremony, we’re not the winner but still we got place.


Here are my classmates who participated in the zumba contest.


We spent how many days to practice. But we enjoyed it even though our skin were burn by the sun some of the time.

I miss you guys!

Grade 9 when we started to chose our major. I chose Cosmetology. I'm with Cherry and Xyra. I'm glad that were still classmates.


Highschool life was really unforgettable experience in life. And I thanked those classmates, friends and close friends I met during the school year 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. You are all part of my life even though we’re not together anymore. I know you are all busy with your own life now.

Those year taught me many lessons in life.

Those year I experienced bad and good memories.

Thank you 2017 for teaching me so much lessons.

My true friends and some of my closest friends knew how I passed those journey. They knew not only happy moments but they knew how I was hurt, how I cried and how I grew. Those pains taught me to grew.

I hate that part when someone left, I hate saying goodbye but it needs.

Things have changed, time passed and those moments are just a memories now. We couldn't turn back time. All I have to do is to be happy with what they are doing now. And I'm hoping all those classmates and friends are doing great. I'm hoping for their success and I love to see it in the future.

I'm happy with my own life now, and I'm living with a #betterlife so all I hope they are too. I will pray for them.


Cherish every moment in life, don't wait till it become a memories to say, “you missed it”.


@amliv08 @jenzel @allmonitors

Try to join the game po.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I can't see

 3 years ago 

Oh,okay. I saw it! Thankssss hahaha

 3 years ago 

Hello 😊

Thank you for sharing your diary post. 😊

 3 years ago 

Hello there,thanks for reading!🙂

 3 years ago 

Youre welcome. Keep up the good work. 👏

 3 years ago 

Same to you @jb124. You have nice contents.Steem on!

 3 years ago 

This post has been rewarded by @steemcurator08 with support from the Steem Community Curation Project.

Follow @steemitblog to get info about Steemit and the contest.


 3 years ago 

Thankyou @steemcurator08!

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