Steemit Philippines - Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 1) || "The Power of Social Media"

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Hello friends of Steemit Philippine, I am taking part in this contest because I find the subject matter dealt with here interesting, in fact social networks In my opinion in today's situation are very important but they must be used in an intelligent manner, and unfortunately I have to note, speaking for my country of Italy, that there is a somewhat distorted use especially of certain social network platforms but I will explain this in the article.

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Let's start with and answer the first question that was suggested by those who organised this contest:How old are you when you start engaging in social media and how was your experience so far?

The first social network I used was Facebook, and I was about 25 years old, unfortunately I am a bit old so I am not fully a digital native, so I approached social media when I was already past my teens, and other social media such as YouTube came much later, even on YouTube I never had the courage to create a YouTube channel, and in fact I created it a few years ago and I am now in my 40s.
I probably also never approached social networks, perhaps because I was not very mature and I could not understand the potential they can have and that they can even become a highly paid job for someone.
Then you have to make a distinction between classic social networks and Steemit, because the interesting thing about Steemit is that I learnt a lot more there, like using markdown, a type of writing that I didn't even know what it was, as well as a lot of other interesting information.

In your opinion, what is the right age for people to have access to social media?

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From my point of view the right age for accessing social networks, let's say the right age would be 18, probably at that age you are a bit more mature and you know what you are doing, but unfortunately in my country at least at 13-14 years old I am already on social networks, then as I always say it depends on what social, and then there must be parental support in supervising the use of this tool.

What can you say to people who are no longer responsible for managing their social media accounts?

It is very wrong not to be responsible for one's own account, I, who with my project have several accounts in different socials, I almost manage them directly or I get help from my wife to avoid that they are stolen by ill-intentioned people, and also because I like to interact directly with people, but I know creators who begin to have a fairly busy writing business and then delegate this work to managers or companies that do it for them.

What can you say to people who are no longer responsible for managing their social media accounts?

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In my opinion, to best protect your account you have to be very careful, as in the case of Steemit's, which is even more complicated to manage, because for example that of Steemit and you must not share anything that is digital you have to save the various passwords in a precious way, while for the other classic social networks you have to activate the two-factor access, this is precisely to avoid having your accounts stolen, unfortunately for example on Instagram they somehow manage to clone your account, but there the fault lies with the platform that has to check the real profiles from the fake ones.

What do you think our future will be with this social media power?

Well, answering this question is quite difficult, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, it depends on my point of view, how you use it. Going back to Steemit, which I consider a social network on a par with the more classic ones, I think it can make a difference because it already makes a difference in survival, especially in those countries where even five dollars can make a difference.

Give the advantages and disadvantages of social media in your life

To this statement, I have already answered in part above, however, another advantage is to give those who live in other countries the opportunity to see how people live in the world, this can bring together for example young people from all over the world, even if some states try by restricting the internet to block these social networks, and this for my part is a bit sad because freedom of opinion is fundamental, then you can also get to know and travel virtually imposed who are far from us, this through social networks.

What are the commonly used social media in your country? And categorize it.

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So starting with Steemit, unfortunately in Italy it's not very popular, I think very few Italians use it, the most popular social network in my opinion is Instagram, and also YouTube, while for the generations a bit older I think Facebook is great, and among the very young Tik Tok is very popular.

Thank you for reading the post up to this point, I hope you have found my story interesting enough and I hope I have made you understand my point about social media, which can be a tool not only for earning money but also for sharing one's ideas and learning ideas from other people.

Good day to all

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invitation to participate: @paholags @rasyana @alexandergudino


Hola @hotspotitaly
Yo también comencé a usar las redes sociales esa edad, porque no tenía absceso al internet como ahora, pero puedo decir que tiene su utilidad, como una comunión a tiempo, también podemos generar algo de ingreso como en steemit, su uso debe ser con mucho cuidado.

Me gustó mucho leer tu participación.
Te deseo mucho éxito.

Gracias por comentar mi publicación.

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Hoy día se cree que ser nativo digital es haber nacido en el periodo de la moda pero, pienso que esto está muy lejos de ser así.

Yo tuve acceso a las redes a mis 13 años y aunque en esa etapa no sucedieron cosas desagradables, pienso que es demasiado prematuro por ello, aplaudo la edad que usted indica porque, de esa manera se garantizaría que habrá consciencia indicada sobre lo que implica realizar una publicación ya que, no se trata de solo subir una fotografía... Nos referimos a que estamos dando datos personales que pueden llegar a manos de personas dañinas.

Excelente participación amigo💚

eres una persona muy sabia estoy de acuerdo con todo lo que escribiste aqui

 2 years ago 


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags.
Curated by: @sohanurrahman

Saludos @hotspotitaly, me gusta mucho el concurso voy a preparar mi entrada. Gracias por la invitación.

you absolutely have to participate!!

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