Moral values

Values are playing very important role in our society. A person is said to be good or bad
on the basis of these values. A person's choices and decisions in life are dependent to a
large extent on the moral values he/she bears. By moral values, we mean those values
principles and beliefs on which a person's personal and social development depends.
These are the rules by which we make decisions about right and wrong, should and
shouldn't, good and bad. To develop character is a basic pillar of moral values. Moral
values develop character of a person.
It is truly said that if wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. But if
character is lost, everything is lost. Teaching moral values is very necessary for the all-round
development of a person. It includes discipline, manners and etiquette, behavior, control
Over oneself, politeness, strength, patriotism, love and care for each other. It also includes
speaking truth, no stealing, becoming a good citizen.
Moral values are very necessary for developing healthy and friendly relations with people. A
child must be given moral education at an early stage. He must be taught the importance of
moral, ethical and family values. By family values, we mean to have good thoughts, good
intentions and good deeds, to love and to care for those whom we are close to and are part of
Our groups or communities, like parents and other family members and friends too. They
must learn to treat others with the same set of values with which they wish to be treated.
Ethical values define a set of principles of right conduct. A child must learn moral values in
school, many of the schools teach the students to develop their character through books,
moral stories, essays, plays. An easy and one of the best ways to impart moral set of values
and principles in a child. The child must be taught so as they must be filled with moral virtues
Such as Wisdom, courage, justice. Ihese days, we see some students misbehaving with
teachers, people go on strike burning buses, including in bad politics or doing other kinds of
harms, thus deteriorating moral values. They are having just opposite qualities of these
moral virtues such as they start believing in injustice, tyranny, or may be coward-ness. A child
gets to know and can easily decide what is right and what is wrong for him, learns to behave
mannerly in a society, he understands his responsibilities through moral values.
Moral principles hold the world together. So there is a need of a set of moral principles and
values to be imparted in the children to make them a better and a responsible citizen. If
people pass through the process of moral values, they become the members of a healthy


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