Man is the Architect of His Own FortunesteemCreated with Sketch.

Man is the Architect of His Own Fortune
It is absolutely true that man is the architect of his own fortune. Now many people searcn
for how to become a successful person. If you do hard work then you must become
successtul person. If you want to be rich then you have to work more than others with
dedication. if a man puts his whole heart into his work and makes the best use of this
talent, is sure to succeed. Apart from this only a fool can think that wealth, fame and
power will come to him for the mere asking
Aperson must try hard to become a successful person. He must refuse to accept defeat it
he wants to build his own fortune. Every man gets the result to his own actions. If he is
hard-working, he will be rewarded for it. If he is idle, he will have to suffer for his idleness.
It is not the stars that decide our fate. It is we who are responsible for what we are. Any
man is free to have a desire to raise high in the life. O, one may desire to do lots of things
or have enormous wealth. But here are conditions for the fulfillment of human desires. fa
student wastes his time and energy in gossips, he cannot achieve a good result of
wishing. For example, an idler cannot be wealthy. The fulfllment for a desire is always in
proportion to one's worth or ability one is to be first sure that he possesses the necessary
quality or merit. Only then one should desire anything. It is rightly said, "First deserve,
then desire". These are the few examples but best for those who really want to become a
successful person. It proves that man is the architect of his own fortune.
Aman's future depends on his own self. If he wastes his time in idleness, or depends too
much on others or loses heart in the face of difficulties, he will fail in life. If, on the other
hand, he makes proper use of his time and opportunities, and follows his aim in life with
patience and perseverance, success is sure to come to him. Even ordinary abilities will
bring him success if he makes good use of them. In fact, history abounds with examples
of men rising to greatness fromahumble beginning merely by their own exertions. On the
other hand, we often come across men endowed with abilities failing in life. This is
because they did not make proper use of their time and opportunities, but wasted them in
idleness. Their abilities thus got rusted and hence became useless
So itis rightly said that man is the architect of his own fortune.


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