What different animals can teach humans by @rubilu123

in India Speaks2 years ago

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Season 3 of the engagement challenge is up and running. We are into ghe week 3 already, the week 2 ended on a good note. This is my first time engaging in the steem India contest and I hope I will be to do well.

This week steem India looks to know what are the things that we as humans have been able to learn from animals.


Growing up I never liked animals that much. This is because we never really had animals in our house. I used to be scared of animals so much. It was so bad that I even feared cocks. Now it's getting better as I am getting older. The only animals I seemed to like very much were ants. As far as I can remember, I didn't like it when anyone killed ants. I felt like you had no right to kill them if they didn't bite you. I didn't see the reason why someone will want to cause harm to something if it didn't cause harm to you.

It might be surprising that for this contest I have to decide to go for an ant. But since I seem to be attracted to them so much, I think. I might as well talk about them.


Ants belong to the insect family and we can as well classify them as insects coming from the Formicidae family. It is estimated that there are over 22, 000 species of the ant family in the world. Out of this number scientists have been able to identify only 13,000 species.

Ants are so tiny that if you are not careful when walking you will end up stepping on one.
There is a lot that u have been able to learn from ants but for the sake of ghe challenge, I will bring a few to light.


Ants love teamwork


Ants are the true definition of teamwork making us reach the goal faster. It's hardly that you will see an ant wandering about alone. When this happens it might be that he is lost. When ants are together you will most definitely know that they are on a mission. When you see food moving from your table you just know a group of ants are moving it about. Ants do not live alone in their nests

They have what they call workers who are responsible for gathering the sand to build their homes. The workers in turn work hand in hand to build a durable home at a safe place for them to stay.
Ants teach us the value of working together. They show us that with teamwork we will accomplish what we set out minds to and we will do it at a faster rate


Ants possess the can-do spirit

If you need motivation from anywhere I think you should look to the ants. They show that size does not matter when you put your mind to it. They go out and look for their food regardless of their size. They build their homes by themselves. If this is not enough motivation to do your work or finish what you started then what is?



Ants are organised creatures


In a colony, every ant has his work. Some ants are meant to procreate, others are supposed to work, and others are supposed to keep them safe. This and many more should show you that ants are organised. They take organization and planning very seriously. This alone should make you fall in love with ants. We should realise that being organised helps you in a lot of ways. You can do what you want on time without procrastinating


Ants teach us to be patient

Like many animals, ants only react when they have to. An ant wouldn't bite you when it doesn't feel endangered by your presence. This is one of the reasons why I don't like it when a friend kills an ant who has not bitten. I don't even understand why you should kill it when it bits you in the first place.

Is not as if when an ant bites you, it contains poison, the only effect you will have is a little swell on the affected area. Killing it will mean that you have taken a life that was not worth taking.

This attribute is ants makes me love them. It shows us that we have to be patient all the time and should only react to a situation when it is out of control. We should only react when we feel like that is the last thing we can do.

If we can walk away from drama then we should. The ant understands that it is at a disadvantage because of its size hence it will be stupid for it to start a fight, so it walks away.

I will like to entreat us all to be like an ant. We should try as much as we can to portray the attributes of the ant and we will realise our lives moving forwards. We should not also kill animals when we don't feel like we are endangered by their presence.

I will like to invite my friends @chenty,osiola and @malikusman1 to participate in this wonderful contest.

Thank you for reading.


Oh my my, today I saw something, how does someone love an ant, wow, this is surprising to be bro
You love ant
And that aside knowing that they possess this kind of character is amazing, I never knew they have workers and protectors, and this makes me wonder if they have a king or a queen,

Thanks for sharing even though I feel kinda.
Greetings bro

Hola @rubilu123 👋

Realmente las hormigas son animales extraordinarios, tenemos mucho que aprender de ellas. Sobretodo por su fortaleza, inteligencia y capacidad de trabajo en equipo.

Un gusto leerte, saludos 🤗

 2 years ago 

You ant that some people can teach a lot by sitting. Ants are one of the things that can teach people a lot.


If you’re looking for the proper representation of team work and you go past ants, I doubt you’d get a better example.

The way ants work together especially in search of food no matter the quantity is very wholesome.

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