RE: "Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W3 - Lo que los diferentes animales pueden enseñar a los humanos por @alanasteemit
main intention was to find a pet for my eldest son who was going through adolescence and was being very shy and withdrawn
I’ve heard a lot of thugs about what animals can do and the things an animal can help with. I’ve read about a cat helping someone through depression and others, but I never thought a cat can help someone to overcome shyness.
Wow, am learning new things everyday.
I don’t have a cat or a pet yet but after going through the entries am sure I will make a choice on the type of pet I want 😂
have had several dogs and they have all been good companions for children with a lot of energy
You talked of love with detachment. Is there in any way that your dogs might have left home oneday and never came back.🤔
I rarely see a cat with that Color though. I think I’ve mostly seen cats with black Color, white Color and a mixture of black and white. I think it’s a case of a lot of black and white cat dominance in Africa.
Si, mi hijo empezó a hacer demostraciones de cariño al gato, antes sólo se encerraba en su habitación y no compartía pero con la llegada del gato salía del cuarto, se sentaba a acariciarlo, nos comentaba sobre las habilidades y lo que había descubierto y poco a poco vi como ese pequeño animal lo había ayudado a exteriorizar lo que sentía.