Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @ripon0630steemCreated with Sketch.

in India Speaks2 years ago (edited)

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As we grow up in life, we continue to struggle with some good things and some bad things with us. But we never realize that all the good things we have are how we will keep them for life. Good things don't come in a day or two. Positive aspects help us survive in the struggle of life.Along with the good side, there are also bad sides in us that we want to change.

We often think about making positive changes in life; But the change is not brought today or tomorrow. When the new year comes, many people take this opportunity to think about changing their lives. Everyone takes various kinds of big dramatic decisions or resolutions based on emotions and naturally cannot stay with those decisions for long.

Through today's contest, I will share with you three good things about me that I want to keep for the rest of my life. Along with that, I will present to you three bad aspects that I would like to avoid.

Three things I'd change about myself

Excessive Using Of Mobile Phone

One of the things I want to change in my life is the excessive using of mobile phone. Most of the time I find myself pressing the phone for a long time during my free time. My phone addiction started with playing games. Earlier I used to play a lot of games on mobile. I used to give up all my work to play games. But the addiction to games runs away from me but currently the problem that I am involved in is long time mobile tapping.

By spending extra time on various social media, my valuable time is wasted. It is ruining my life. I am realizing the damage that excessive phone tapping is doing to my health. Because looking in front of the screen for a long time can cause vision problems in our eyes. So I am now quite aware of this. Now I have reduced my excessive mobile usage compared to before. I use the mobile phone only when I need to use it. Hopefully I can kick my bad habit soon.


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Trusting anyone too easily

The second thing I want to change in my life is talking too much, trusting anyone too easily. I am a very humble and simple person. So I can mix with any new people very easily. I share everything from my life experiences to my life goals with any new person. But this is what hurts me. I trust people very easily. That's why I had to be in danger many times. Many people hurt me in different ways.

At this point in life I realized that it is not right to share everything with all people. Nothing more can be said than what should be shared with others according to the circumstances for one's own convenience. Because they are the people we know but they are the ones who do the most damage in our malnutrition behind us. So from now on I am trying not to share all things with all people at once. Don't trust anyone too easily.


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Not doing things on time

The third thing I want to change in my life is not doing things on time. Many times it is seen that I cannot do the work on time. Sometimes I leave things for later. But with so many other things to do, I tend to forget to do the work I put off for later. It hurts me a lot because if we don't do the work on time we lag behind in many ways.

So I proceed by taking various steps to change this habit. Now I try to jot down my tasks in different notepads on my phone. To be successful in life, you have to work a lot, you have to work hard. As I grow older, the amount of work increases. But because of that, one's duties and responsibilities cannot be avoided. So from now on I set a plan of how to accomplish each task before doing it. So I am more comfortable doing any work.


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Three things I'd keep about myself

Wake Up Early

My best is that I wake up early every morning. The most successful people in the world wake up early in the morning. We all know that waking up early is very beneficial for our health. But besides the health benefits, waking up early has many other benefits. In this we can spend a long time of the day for work. If we wake up late, our work will be disrupted.

The sooner we wake up the sooner we will have the opportunity to do more work than we do now. I want to keep this habit because I get more time to work. Also I wake up in the morning and go for a morning walk which allows me to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful nature. Only those who wake up early in the morning know the joy of enjoying the germ free morning air. So i requested everyone to develop this habit.


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I am a very self-respecting person. Self respect is above everything for me. If someone tells me not to eat for the whole day then I can do it but if someone tells me to damage your self esteem then I will never do it. I learned from childhood how to respect myself. If we don't know how to respect ourselves, how can other people respect us? So self-respect is the best respect in the world.

Asking for something, taking something from other people is very bad for me. To continue in the struggle of life we ​​will help each other and take help from others. But because of that, we should not be dependent on other people for everything. In any situation you have to do your best to help yourself first. I always help myself in any bad situation. It boosted my self-esteem.


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Take Responsibility

The third thing I want to hold on to throughout my life is being responsible. I have tried to fulfill all my responsibilities since childhood. I got a lot of help from my family in this regard. My family taught me how to be a responsible person. Only responsible people can build a beautiful family. I am a boy so I have more responsibility. But because of that I never shirked my responsibility. I like to take responsibility.

I also inspire other boys to be responsible. If you want to continue in life, there will be many obstacles, so it is not right to avoid your responsibilities. I take all my family responsibilities as much as I can. If more than one responsibility is imposed on me at the same time, I never refuse to fulfill it. Manhood is associated with responsibility. The only identity of the boys is in his responsibility. Always try to complete all the responsibilities given to me honestly and correctly.


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Thanks to Steem India for organizing such a nice contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog

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The excessive use of mobile is the most bad habit nowadays. I am also excessively using the mobile phone and wasted my time while playing games and scrolling social media. Waking up early in the morning is the good thing and this would be good for our health too. Best of luck. Please visit my participation post to share your views.

 2 years ago 

I am now using the Digital Wellbeing system in my phone. Which lets me know if I'm spending more than a certain amount of time on an app.

Self respect is a great attitude I so very love to. Seeing you put it above everything is a good thing, please don't ever lose it.

 2 years ago 

Self-respect is the best respect in the world ..

Of course it is. Please 🙏 if chanced, try check on my page. I will very much appreciated it. Thank you

You're absolutely right about the self respecting aspect we have to maintain in order to keep others to do the same by respecting us too. It's a great quality to take in count on any situation for our lives.

 2 years ago 

Thank you ..

Que bueno que deseas cambiar el uso excesivo del celular, sin duda es algo que muchos en el mundo debemos aprender a controlar, fijando horarios y dando prioridad a las actividades que lo merecen. El celular y la internet a veces nos absorben y podriamos dejar de lado la vida real y sus maravillas.

Despertar temprano es algo que se te da bien, que bueno! En pais se dice "Quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda". Despertar temprano nos permite aprovechar el día al máximo!!


First of all, I want to thank you for mentioning me to participate in this contest. You are absolutely right that those who wake up early can bring success in life because they have more time to work I want you to retain your self-confident and early-rising habits

 2 years ago 

Thanks brother .Please pray that I may retain my good qualities throughout my life.

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