Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @rafk

in India Speaks2 years ago

[Edited with ]Canva

Hello Friends

Greetings to all in the Steem India community. Hope we all doing great. it's my first time ever to be participating in the community on a creative writing engagement with the topic : Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep. It's quite and interesting topic of discussion which I will be saying a lot about but before I proceed, I am calling on @b-naj, @chiabertrand, @tangwe-rene, @temitope to vividly join and engage with me.


In as much as we all know ourselves better, there are a lot of things wish could be much better of ourselves. On the other hand there are things about us which we wish they just stay them, no modification. On this piece of writing I will write about things I love about myself and also on things that I will love to see change in myself. The aim of this article is to help me appreciate things I think are good of me and appreciate myself in this aspect while on the other hand mention things I will love to see change in a much more convenient and polite way since these things have been part of my daily life. As we all know knowing exactly what's the good and and weak aspect of us if we wish to improve or see change in ourselves. At this point I will say we all know ourselves better and to improve in any aspect, we have to strengthen ourselves in areas we weak in and appreciate those area in life we think we doing quite fine in.

Three Things I'd Keep

I'm a positive thinker: As a being I try as much as possible to see the good life aspects and being a little judgemental about everything. Being positive is not that easy in all aspects of life but I let my positive thoughts suppress the negative. And the greatest of it all is I surround myself with people who see good in things rather than full of criticism. This aspect has help me build myself much stronger and better in the main time.

I am an independent person. One of the best and most featured form of freedom and peace of mind is when you are able to figure things on you own more, than bother someone. From past experience and way people react when requested for a little favor, I have developed into a strong better being that I am all of me, and no one's approval is needed to take my decisions or take actions. I have that possibility of finding my way out in situations I find myself in or that are presented before me. Nevertheless, It is not that easy to figure it right all the time on your own, So that's the reason I have range myself 90% of my own success and 10% comes from external motivation.

I am a problem solver: Just as my trait in school state" Engineers are problem solvers." I don't only find solution in engineering problems but I fixed a lot of things in real life aspect. Why, this is because I am kind to listening to people when they share their problems and we find solution together or I try to come up with a better option for the problems. Apart from humans, I equally observe the things or happenings of nature and try as much to bring solution to the needy society or spot the ideas that are going to bring solutions to these problems.

The above mention are the most preserving points about myself and I love them just the way the are and I'd do everything to keep them. If possible I love to be more advanced in this areas to be at my full potential.

Three Things I'd Change About Myself,

⚠ There's this serious problem I have been battling for a long time, forgetting things of the past. I have on many occasions find myself thinking of things I say I was gonna let go. When this happens I end up depress and worried of things I can't change or do nothing about. I'm left with is regret and imaginations of how it should have been back then. All this is a waste of time and disruption of my inner peace which I find it a serious issue to dealt with.

⚠ Another big blow to myself is that sometimes I compare myself to others, especially among my peers and we all know the end results, either Pride or depress. I have told myself I am all about myself but I sometimes unconsciously find myself comparing again. This sometime make me feel like I am not doing too much to be their level, but I forgot we are all of different seeds and everyone takes a unique path to grow. I know sometimes there's need to compare a little to push yourself in some aspects For example students comparing their study routing to see who comes out first, this is comparison with progress , but I realise I sometimes go off limits and it's a big blow to my face.

⚠ Lastly I I'm trying as much as possible not to give up on people so easily. One big blow to me is that I don't even try a little harder to keep some people, I am more of a carrier focus person so much that when something or someone try to get In my way, I just cut them off or give up completely. Recently I just find out Most people act in a certain way maybe because the are going through tough times or simple because they feel like you are not having their attention. This goes specifically in relationship aspects. This facts alone has made me push away good people who simply had my best interest at heart. Sometimes I just feel so terrible about myself and wish I could change it Asap.

These above mention are the most conspicuous thing I'd love to keep or have a change in the specified areas.

We are a replica of our own selves and we know better things we valued the most or want to see a change in these aspect. For me I have said some of the key things I love to keep or want to change about myself. I could have say further but I think these point tells a lot. I look forward to change in these areas I am lagging. Thank you all for our kind review.

Author: @rafk


Hola amigo @rafk 👋

Está dinámica nos ha puesto a autoevaluarnos para reflexionar y comenzar a mejorar en aquellos rasgos que deseamos cambiar. Me alegra que quiera conservar su positividad e independencia. Sin duda son rasgos que lo hacen ser una mejor persona.

Un gusto leerte, Saludos 🤗

That's true. Ma'am. Thanks you for stopping by

Hello, comparing yourself with others is not good, you remind me of my son and I always tell him that it is about him and not others, he is only 11 years old but I want to avoid having that difficulty in the future, that's why I tell you that you are worth it, you are important what you do.
So channel all that positive energy and put aside what makes you uncomfortable or hurts you, a hug and blessings to you.

Thanks so much for your advice and your words of encouragement..🥰

Saludos! 😄

Que seas una persona independiente es algo muy bueno y que a muchos les cuenta lograr, todo tiene su tiempo y cuando la independencia llega, también lo hacen varias responsabilidades y felicidad por supuesto.

Olvidar el pasado no es algo fácil, porque nos hizo sufrir o hizo felices. Pero dejar ir es el primer paso, porque si pensamos en algo que no nos deja avanzar, nos entristece, nos deja estancados, nos detiene de nuestro camino a la felicidad.


Your right ma'am and I'm happy you stop by...

I love the fact that you are a problem solver and not giver. Being independent means a lot and you did great. Hope you do seek for help when necessary as i am seeking for yours too. Lol 😆

I'm coming for your aid sir😂.

I ll find your entry 😊

Awwnn 😍😍😍. Thank you


Wow... How lucky you are by being an independent person of course because this demonstrate you're able to do greater things for sure friend. Have an excellent good luck and receive my regards from Latin America.

Thanks for reviewing my entry ma'am..🙏🏼

Hi @rafk it is lovely post and it was nice to learn you, it is a great chance to look at yourself and to choose bad and good sides of your character. I think going to bad ones that you want to rid of, I was caught by “that you compare yourself with others”. In my opinion it is not really bad, this is something that we, many people have. This is a competition spirit and this is a driving force for our own development. We all have to strive to be better and not only because we envy but because we want to be better and this is a progress. I am pretty sure that you also think the same and on and off catch yourself on the thought that such situation made you better, don’t you?

I wish you good luck in the challenge and keep up the competition spirit!

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