Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @olabillions

in India Speaks2 years ago (edited)

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Greetings to everyone reading, its been a productive week and I am delighted to be here again in this community to pen down my participation to the ongoing contest, it is the final week of the season 3 challenge and I hope my entry meets the criteria demanded

As usual, this topic is a very good one, which permits us to talk about our shortcomings, flaws, and strength, in this post I will be talking about three things that I would like to change in me, some habit which if I change will be of good benefits to me and also three things which I would not like to change In my life.

Three things that you would like to change

I have doubts about a lot of things, I have doubts on Steemit, doubts at work, and also I doubt my future, it scares me to think if it would be possible to have a better future, doubt brings in fear to me.

It scares me a lot not to know what it is for me in the near future, something like the fear of the unknown, although I try to do my best always in every aspect of my life but before putting up the work I so much have doubts about the success of a job or my incompetence of a job or maybe I won't meet a target, I doubt my soil capacity, and strength sometimes.

Doubting my productivity on the blockchain is also one habit or mindset I will like to forgo, there are a lot of goals I believe I should have achieved but when doubting I become scared of failing which will not have me attain such goals, it is one of the behavior I would like to change because I have suffered it a lot by missing useful opportunities.

I am so reckless when it comes to spending money, it is not that I ball out or attend clubs, or buy expensive drinks or something, but when it comes to clothes, sports betting, and food, I exhaust a lot of money in a space of small time, currently, I eat twice a day and I spend a minimum of 1000(5.7steem) or 1200(6.8steem) daily on food, miscellaneous is not part of the bill yet.

In this economy, the total amount in a week is enough to buy foodstuffs at home and eat for a month,

The new season of the premier league has started, and staking online has resumed with my betting account as such most time I lose a lot of money, if this habit can be eradicated from my life, I will have been a very comfortable guy by now, you don't wanna know about my virtual sports game stakings, that is suicide. this doesn't allow me to have savings because I gamble with any available money to get more money which results in no money on a bad day.

I am so surprised when I see a lot of users indicate that they procrastinate too, sometimes I see myself as being unserious with my life, there are certain things that I should do instantly but I wouldn't, I will postpone it until it's the deadline or maybe I wouldn't end up doing such thing, if I procrastination could leave my life, in Steemit I will be more productive than ever.

I plan to write at least a publication every day in Steemit but this act of procrastinating has been a hindrance to not achieving this aim.

This particular entry should have been written in the early hour but I am here writing to meet the deadline which is in some minutes, if I can be more disciplined with myself maybe I will be able to do things in the right time without postponing.

Three things that you would like to keep

It may sound somehow to the reader but yes, keeping things to myself has been helping a lot, over the years, I have realized that all that I plan to do or achieve must be kept within me until I execute it before it is known by people.

I studied myself back in the day, I realize anytime I expose my plans to someone, I don't end up executing that plan, I think it is in my nature to keep my plan activities private until I execute them, it happens that if I tell a friend that I love that clothes or palms, I will never have the resources to get them or I might not be interested anymore.

So as such I keep my plans private which has helped me over the years a lot in carrying out all of my successful plans. It is one of the behavior I would like to keep

Another character in me that I would like to keep is his patience.

In life, I have realized that patience can never be too much, patience is a virtue, and too much of it cannot cause any harm

In everything I do I try to exercise enough patience, with people. friends, families, landlords, and neighbors, they know me, I will never come rough with anyone regardless of the situation between us.

I protect anything that might cause an issue within us and if I see you are the troublesome type I walk away without words, I am good at that, I don't like quarrels, peace is a choice of me, and you will find me exchanging words with anyone, inahev always preferred peace in any situation

So the patience in me is a beautiful behavior that I so much like and it will be with me for as long as I breathe.

If you have a deep understanding of life, you would know that being contended with what you have is a blessing for you.

In any position we find ourselves, and the more we accept that we will always be in the middle the earlier it is better for us.

We can't have it all, those that have what we dreamt of also have something they want but they can't have. So we can't have it all and in every position, we are in life we will always be in the middle, reason why I am always satisfied and happy with anything I have, the little I have, is enough for me to thank God because their are some people somewhere praying to have what I have which I don't regard to as an achievement.

Being contented will help a lot and as such, it has helped me in various ways in life reason why it is one of the habits I would like to keep.

I thereby invite @rosselena @richy20 @ahumadaliliana29 @dave-hanny @samuel20 @parineeta @paholags to this contest


I think procrastination is the issue with most of the people.

Patience and contentment are such traits that I'd say you are blessed to have. I'm sure these things make you love your life more.

Thank for your comment,
Truy procrastination is an issue with most people, it is a robber of time, it robs people of their precious time,

Having patience and contentment is good traits in me till I will like to be hereditary for my children.

I appreciate your time here

We can always work on our personality and way of being. We can always be better. Best of luck.

Thanks for your comment , always we can , if there is something we can always work on , it is our personality
I appreciate your feedback

 2 years ago 

You have come to a very good conclusion to get rid of procrastination in your life. He is a very difficult character to change. I also feel the same way as you describe. Thank you for sharing the post. Good luck for the contest.

Thanks for the comment, appreciate it

It's a great pleasure to read through your entry today, @olabillions. At certain stages of our lives, we tend to doubt and this leads to the fear of uncertainty, these are low periods that only tie us on a spot and it's worth working on.

Procrastination is actually a robber of our precious time but do you know that doubt sometimes can have a relationship with your actions being delayed? Most times we doubt starting a new thing which tends to force us to shift it till some other time, hence, procrastination has set in.

It's great to see one being contented about what they have, that's priceless, this is when you don't allow peer pressures to win over you as such you don't have the cause to be involved in bad dealings. That's a great attitude you possess. I wish you the best in this contest.

Saludos amigo por lo menos ya sabes cuales son las cosas que no te dejan avanzar en tu vida diaria solo debes proponerte eliminarlas poco a poco y veras que todo comenzara a cambiar pronto
Pero tienes tres grandes virtudes que poner en equilibrio lo negativo te deseo mucha suerte

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate you feedback

Thbaks for your constructive comment on my publication, It show you read and digested my entry, thanks for your feedback, doubt, procrastination are habits I would love to leave behind

¡Saludos amigo!

La parte más complicada es reconocer que tenemos fallas y, usted ya lo hizo por tal razón, estoy segura que ya estás trabajando para reducir lo que no le agrada en usted.

Tienes 3 excelentes cualidades amigo, te felicito por ella. Continúa regándola para que día a día, se instauren más en ti.

Te envío un fuerte abrazo

wow you really have a big deals to achieve only your determination will make you achieve it thanks for telling us you have done very well keep it up

Thanks for your comment, very well said my friend, and thanks for your feedback

Creo que el miedo nos abruma a todos los seres humanos, yo diría que para algunos es pasajero y a otros los aborda por completo. Lo importante es saber dominarlo y dejarlo ir.
Mantener la paciencia es una virtud beneficiosa, y muy importante.
Me gustó leerte.
Saludos y feliz día 🙋🏼‍♀️

Thanks for your constructive comment, I agree that fear can be dealt with and some could not deal with it, how to wrap fear up from our system take a lot of courage which I have been implementingher the years

Thanks for reading
I Appreciate the effort

Hello friend, sometimes doubt can be present, but it is only bad if it makes you feel bad or paralyzes you, I think it can be dispelled if you feel good about what you are doing, if you feel good, you will be able to be good and move forward.
That is why it is important to know what we are good at and what we like.

I congratulate you for being patient, that is a great virtue in life, just like being happy.

Thanks for sharing. Greetings and blessings 😊

Thanks for your comment, and advice, I will put that to work and make sure doubt don't get hold of me anymore


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