Starting powering down of my account to recover my funds | Its powering down may help to recover some funds

in India Speaks2 years ago

Hey friends,

Welcome to my new post.

I am trying to recover my crypto funds which are currently on 0 because of the luna crash. I never want to leave the steemit because I love to write and in the last 6 months I have never powered down and tried to build my profile but this scenario really broke me inside. If it does not happen then I have planned to propose to my favorite person but I didn't think that would happen as I reached the current position after two years of hard work but now it's a zero. I will come back stronger and also post dairy on regular basis but I didn't think that post will be rewarded as I am powering down. I never thought this will happens to me.

I didn't care about funds but This thing suddenly keeps me out of funds. Out of funds doesn't mean they don't have money to eat but I am accumulating the money in crypto for my marriage. I like to marry my favorite person but because of this scenario I didn't have the funds for that and I will never propose to her. Her parents will choose the right person for her. One bad decision of mine and I lost the chance to propose to her and express my feelings to her.

I missed you all as its great interaction with you all. I always watch the great post of you all people alfa male, Deepak always supports my post and there is also a great commenting contest organized by sDutta. Due to busy schedules, I never get time to interact with you all. Krishna also is there who always write good-quality post. I will start my powring down and will resume very soon on steemit with a stronger version of mine. I will post the daily dairy very soon. Now I am looking to gather investment at one place and after that, I will do the capital management. I will also share my journey with you all. If I am lucky enough then I will get to chance to marry my favorite person. It almost 10 years I am loving her but I did not express my feelings to her. Let's see what will happens in the future.

I am sharing all the things and explaining my reason to powered down. I hope you all will understand my situation.

Thanks and regards

 2 years ago 

Best of luck to you sir may you marry your favourite person very soon and recover your funds as soon as possible. Stay blessed and have a great day ahead!

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