Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 - Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far by @hayleydemi

in India Speaks2 years ago


Dear Young Miracle,

I hope this letter meets you well. I also hope you're being the obedient, sweet little girl you are. You have a wonder life ahead of you. There will surely be ups and downs. Be assured that the ups outweigh the downs.

There are some lessons you are going to learn as you go through life. You will be betrayed, heartbroken, embarrassed and insulted, but I just want you to know that you will survive it all. Keep moving on because much better things are ahead.

You are a kind, loving and understanding person. These are excellent traits you should maintain. However people will try to take advantage of that. Do not let them.
Furthermore, always make yourself a priority. It is very important.


Pay attention to your passion for tech. Do not make the mistake of letting anyone or anything discourage you from following that passion. It will give you that fulfillment you crave.

Always follow your instincts. Do the things you feel are right. It is very necessary. Try to have more fun. Do not become a boring person with a boring life. Explore life more, take risks. You are allowed to fail, because failing is a ladder to success.

You would get into the University to study accountancy. You will definitely make amazing friends that would go on to be more like family. You will have a lot of funny experiences, but in the end, it will be worth it.
You are an ambitious kid right now. Keep being ambitious. You will achieve your ambitions. Work as hard as you can to achieve all you desire. There will be difficulties and people trying to discourage, but your eyes should be on your ambitions.

In addition, family is everything. You have such an amazing and supportive family. Make family your priority as well. Take good care of your brothers and sister. Take better care of your parents.

You are going to receive a lot of accolades and praises for your excellent work, but don't stop there. Always strive to be the best in what you do. Give in your all to be to make sure you keep succeeding in life.

Finally, my advice to you is to always try to be happy. Your happiness is paramount. Do not let anything or anyone take away your happiness. Life will hit you with tragedies, but don't let those tragedies break you. You are stronger than you think.

Also, as you succeed in life, try to give back to society and help humanity to the best of your abilities. You will be remembered for it.
Happy growing.

Yours sincerely

I invite @dayographix, @goodybest and @ugochkwuprosper to participate in this contest.


Great advice you have given out to your younger self and I'm sure with this your advice,, she will do just fine. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Great advice to your younger self and really motivating words. I like the way you say

You will be betrayed, heartbroken, embarrassed and insulted, but I just want you to know that you will survive it all.

This is so true and we all have gone through this at one point or another

Hola amiga @hayleydemi 👋

Te has esforzado por hacerle saber a tu yo de cinco años lo valiosa que es, el trabajo duro, la constancia y la dedicación son virtudes muy importantes para lograr tus metas.

Un gusto leerte, saludos 🤗


Always follow your instincts. Do the things you feel are right. It is very necessary.

A very resounding advice. Following our instincts can prove to be good for us sometimes. It is also good to do the things that are right, it helps us build good character in the long run.

A lot has been said by you and I'm happy to go through them.

Thanks for sharing.

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