Farming of Soybean Part-2

in India Speaks2 years ago (edited)

Hey guys some of you are waiting for part two of soybean farming but due to some reasons I was not able to upload it, now I'm back with part two
Of soybean farming.

Seed rate in soybean cultivation:

When a single soybean crop is to be taken, the seed rate per hectare is 60 kg. while for intercropping 30 kg is recommended.

Seed treatment in soybean cultivation:

For good growth of soybean seeds and to protect plants from soil-borne diseases, 3 grams of Thyram or Captan per kilogram of seed should be applied before planting. To get more production 250 g of rhizobium culture is given per 25 kg seed.

Source: Pexels

Irrigation management in soybean cultivation:

Providing life-saving irrigation during crop crises in times of rain deficiency.

Interculture and weeding in Soybean Cultivation:

2 to 3 intercropping as required and two times of hand weeding to keep the crop weed free at an early stage.

Crop Protection in Soybean Cultivation:

The soybean crop is less affected by pests. Still, based on the report, the crop is infested with leafhoppers, girdle beetles, semi loopers (caterpillars), leaf miners, armyworms, thrips, cutworms, moths, and whiteflies.

For control of aphids, whiteflies, thrips, and leafhoppers, use dimethoate 0.03 percent or phosphamidon 0.03 percent, or methyl-o-demeton 0.05 percent liquid. For the control of girdle beetle and semi-looper, spray monocrotophos 0.05% or fenitrothion 0.05%, while for control of leaf spot methyl parathion 2% husk or quinalphos 1.5% or endosulfan 4% husk at 20 to 25 ha. Kg. It is recommended to spray accordingly.

Source: Pexels

Intercropping in Soybean Cultivation:

  • Intercropping with cotton, Pear millet, Pigeon pea, Hybrid, sorghum, and castor can yield higher income per hectare than a single crop and reduce natural hazards. In cotton, planting two rows of soybean between two rows of cotton planted at a distance of 180 cm was found to be beneficial.

  • A row of soybeans was planted at a distance of 60 cm between the rows of sorghum and a row of soybeans was produced at a distance of 90 cm. It is advantageous to plant two rows of soybean between two rows of sorghum.

  • 90 cm of Soybean plantation is profitable in Castor crop

Harvest time in soybean cultivation:

Harvest with a fork when most soybean leaves have turned yellow and 90 to 95 percent of the leaves have turned golden yellow. If the crop is harvested late, the pods split and the kernels fall, and if there are green pods harvested, the kernels in the pods are shriveled red, which deteriorates the quality of the kernels. Allow the cut plants to dry in a colander for 8 to 10 days.

An average yield of soybean:

1500 to 2000 kg per hectare production can be obtained by giving good care to the soybean crop.

 2 years ago 

Very nice post again brother. Keep it up. Try to write more blogs whenever possible.

Thank you, brother, for your kind words, but this is the season for agriculture activities, so I'm busy with those activities, I will start regular posts and be active.

 2 years ago 

Sure brother. I'm also very busy these days and not posting much. we will do it together.

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