Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W4 - Three things I'd change about myself, and three things I'd keep by @dave-hanny

in India Speaks2 years ago




Hello guys, I am excited to be among the participant of this great community, thanks to the steemit team for the idea of an engagement challenge contest, thanks to the steem Indian community for being among the communities of the contest and also for bringing up a topic that is; to share three things I would change about myself and three things I would keep, please keep reading down as I share mine.

It's true that, as humans, there are things or habits we portray and we do not like and by so doing, we keep wishing that such act or thing could just jump out of our lives. There are things also that people so much dislike in us and such habits sometimes, are not intentional and some are intentional. So, I have mine, and these are things I do not like it in me either, but it kept being part of me with the help of this contest, I would punch out all that has to be out of my life and work hard toward that. Below, are the three things about me I want it changed and also the things I would want them In me forever.

Three things I would change about myself

  • Anger
As a single lady, anger should never be part of me because it's one of the qualities men look and most times leads to a breakup. If there is anything I would pray for complete and total change is anger. Anger gives a bad name, anger makes an individual take decisions that might lead to death or any reaction, anger causes violence and times leads to divorce therefore I dont like it and I wish it will be out of my life completely.

  • Pride
I find myself under the umbrella of pride which I don't want at all. Pride has made people talk about me over and over again though I never wish to be doing that also. I feel I know everything so nobody talks to me and I donot accept it as a correction but I believe I will continue to work on that because I'm already working on it because pride kills easily. A life without pride is amazing, pride also keeps people away from an individual, pride bring down the value and respect people have in me or an individual.

  • Doubts
I doubt so many things in my life, I doubt if I will make it in life, I doubt if I will live long, I doubt if I will have a good husband and so. Sharing this with great steemians means I sincerely want this to be our of my life. Life needs to be accompanied by strong believe and hope but mine is different. , I will eradicate such doubts in my life from the prayers I have started. I should always have in mind that, I can do all things, I can be anything i want to be, I can achieve all I want to achieve as far as there Is life.

The things I would want to keep

  • Sincerity
I love myself for being sincere to people around me, to myself, and to whatsoever I have around me. Sincerity exalts an individual, it gives you a unique name, It can make people so much love you because that is what people want. I try to give out my best in sincerity especially when it comes to accountability and transparency. Sincerity is very easy but then I am trained to be sincere in truth saying.

  • Hunger for my maker
My prayer always is to be hungry and thirst to know God more and more and I am glad that I am trying in that aspect therefore, I want it in me forever, and I wouldn't like to change from that. I love God and I want it to continue because whosoever I am today is by his mercies and grace therefore, I would want the fire to keep on burning.

  • Boldness
I am a woman of boldness, God has granted me the spirit of boldness especially when it comes to activities on stage. I see so many persons having stage fright and when I begin asking them they always say they don't know what's the cause too and i realized I should be grateful for the boldness in me. I wouldn't want it out of me but it should continue to be in me as I speak for my people someday.


I love you all friends and thank you for having time to my blog, I hope and believe you have learned from especially what I would like to make permanent in me, and for the bad, I would like it out of my life. I believe you would learn from that too. I invite @temitope, @ yakspeace, @ishayachris, @simonnwigwe, and @josepha to participate, Thank you once more.


Hola amiga @dave-hanny👋

La sinceridad, la fé y la audacia son increíbles rasgos ya veo porque te gustaría conservarlos en tu vida. Sin embargo, la ira debe ser controlada para que puedas encontrar la felicidad.

En cuanto a las dudas, todos dudamos en algún momento, me parece normal tener dudas cuando se emprenden actividades diferentes sólo debes tener más confianza.

Un gusto leerte, saludos 🤗

Thank you @eumelysm for your warm comment, i appreciate your visit to my blog and i want to believe you have learn alot from my article, indeed there are somany habbit that people does not wish to be potraying but in one way or the order see themselves in such habbits and verse versa,thanks once more and i wish you best.

 2 years ago 

Pride is one of the things that can bring us down in life. Humility is the key to everything that we desire. Indeed I am glad that you have seen that pride isn't too good for we as a human and you have wish to change it and some other things in your life.

Best of luck to you dear.

Thank you dear for honouring my invitation, indeed humility is the key to everything we desire and i am very glad you said you are happy i have realised that pride is a bad habbit and indeed i must eradicate such, thanks and i wish you the best.


Nice presentation. I like you have boldness its great gift of God, and you mentioned its useful especially when you are on stage.
You are beautiful enough you bear Hungary and thirst to feel the pains of others. God gave a very kind heart.
Best if luck

Thank you somuch for reading through to this point, thank you first for complimenting my article, and your wonderful comment, thank you somuch and i wish you the best.

I am glad that my dear friend what to change pride, yes it is a good one because pride comes before a fall. And I cherish your good quality sincerity, hunger for God and boldness. These are really good quality. I wish I am bold like you are. I wish you success in the contest

Thank you somuch maam for visiting my blog, i love the fact that you are happy about the change i wish to make and that which i will want them parmanent, thank you somuch and i wish you the best as you keep steeming.

Hello dear. I am so impressed with your work. and to go further these areas of change are much more necessary and most concern of it being pride. nevertheless I so much love things you love to keep especially hungry for your make. thanks for the wonderful entry and good luck in the contest.

Hi friend,you are absolutely a good person, thank you for the somuch love you have for the things i want to keep and its my earnest desire also to keep them and for those i want them out, i pray for devine ableness, wish you best on this contest.

I understand you, pride is also something that I have tried to control due to past experiences, you are a person of faith that helps us a lot to overcome negativities, I know you will.

Thank you friend, i appreciate your effort in comment on my blog, there is actually nothing good about having pride because it gives a bad name, thank you somuch and i wish you the best.

There's nothing like to be able to clarify the real reasons of our doubts because they can paralyze us on the time to take the main decisions for changing radically our lives. Good luck in the participation on contest.

Thanks dear friend, its amazing having you on my blog, thank you for your warm comment and indeed we have no reason of doubting ourselves at all, thank you once more and i wish you the very best.

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