Better life| Diary game:21/February/2022

in India Speaks2 years ago

Hello Steemians!!
How are you all I hope you all are doing well so without wasting any time let's get started today.

Good Morning 🌄

Today I wake up so early at 4:30 am and after that I go to the kitchen and then I drink one glass of water and after that I go for freshen up and then I brush my teeth and after I made coffee for himself and then I drink my coffee and after I take my A4 sheet and then I start writing DHA on it and after writing DHA I go for a shower and after shower I wear my college uniform and after I take my bag and then I went to the college.

IMG_20220221_061759.jpg Coffee

After reaching college I go to take my First class and after I go for the assembly and then my class CR is taking our attendance and after that I moved to the classroom for our second class and in this class I have a CA and I also told you about CA in the previous dairies and I also tell you in this CA is Class Assignment it is given by the teacher it is like a test and we do it in the classroom and after the CA our teacher teach us for about 30 minutes and then we have one hour of free time and after that we have practical class so in this class our teacher give us a experiment and we write the experiment on the file and after this class we have half an hour of free time.

After free time we have practical and today is only my group practical so we all go for practical in the lab and their we perform a experiment for about one and half hour and after that we are free now so I come back to home.

IMG_20220221_164734.jpgcollege exit

After reaching home first I change my clothes and then I eat my lunch today my mom made fried rice with curd and after eating lunch I take a short nap and after that I started doing my college work and after work I listen music and after that I watch television for some time and then I make poster for my tomorrow class and today I am not going gym because I come from the college too late and I am so tired that's why today I am not going to the gym and also I have a lots of work.

IMG_20220221_190603.jpg Lunch

This is my today day now we will meet tomorrow you take care of yourself and your family.


Nyc diary from your side keep posting.

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