Better life| Diary game: 20/February/2022

in India Speaks2 years ago

Hello Steemians!!
How are you all I hope you all are doing well so without wasting any time let's get started today day.

Good Morning 🌄

Today I am wake up at 9 am because today is Sunday that's why today I wake up late and this Sunday is going to be so bad for me because I have a lots of college work today and my today day is spend only in doing work so without wasting any time let's get started today day so friends after waking up as usual I walk to the kitchen and then I drink one glass of water and after that I go for freshen up and after I brush my teeth and then I made bread omlet and then I eat my omlet and after that I go to take a shower and after shower I start my work first I complete my DHA you thinking what is DHA, DHA is ( Daily Home Assignment) and it is given by the teacher.


After completing DHA I feeling hungry then I eat my lunch and after I take a short break from the study and then I start playing BGMI and it's been a long time for me to play and then I put my phone down and then I continue my study and during studies I listen music because I love to listen music and then I watch television for about half an hour and then I take a short nap because rest is so important for the body because I am a gym freak and for me rest is so important for muscle building if I not take rest so the body will be tired and there will be no muscle build up.

IMG_20220220_132712.jpg Lunch

After nap I wake up and then I also have a practical work so I go to the stationary shop and there I bought a file and after I come back to home and then I started writing my experiments on the file and after writing hours of experiments, my practical file work is over and after I watch television for one hour and then my friend called me and we both went out for a break.

IMG_20220220_214458.jpg Practical file

After walk I come back to home and then it's almost 7 am and then I study for one hour because tomorrow is my CA and CA is ( Class Assignment) and after my dinner is ready and after eating dinner I continue my study and then I play BGMI and after I am feeling sleepy and I go to my bad for sleeping and friends before sleeping I drink one glass of milk.

IMG_20220220_214300.jpgOne glass of Milk

This is my today day now we will meet tomorrow you take care of yourself and your family.


Your day turned out to be a good in terms of the routine it seems. I think it's a good thing to have routine properly set out.

#affable #india

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