"Good health is the greatest wealth"

in Healthy Steem5 months ago
"Good health is the greatest wealth"



How important is good health to you?

Good health is paramount It’s the foundation upon which everything else in life is built When we’re healthy, we have the energy to pursue our passions, connect with loved ones, and contribute to our communities Physical wellbeing directly impacts our mental and emotional states, allowing us to thrive and experience life to the fullest So, cherish your health, my friend



How long ago was it when you got sick and how did you feel then?

In days of yore, when shadows clung, A malady crept, its tendrils flung. A fevered dance, a tempest wild, Within my frame, its grip beguiled.
The sun withdrew, the moon grew pale, As chills embraced my weakened sail. Each breath a battle, night and day, I yearned for solace, sought a way.



The ache, a symphony of woes, Conducted by invisible foes. My limbs, like lead, refused to rise, Yet hope persisted in my eyes.
For illness, though a cruel refrain, Can teach resilience, strength regained. And when the storm subsides at last, I find new gratitude amassed.
So, dear friend, if sickness nears, Remember courage, banish fears. And may good health, like dawn’s embrace, Restore your spirit, grant you grace

Do you think medicine harms our body more?



Medicine, like a double-edged sword, wields both healing and risk

Healing Elixir:

Medicine, when wielded wisely, alleviates suffering.
It mends broken bones, quells fever’s fire, And whispers hope to hearts that tire.
Antibiotics, vaccines, life’s defenders, They’ve lengthened our days, made us contenders.

Caution’s Whisper:

Yet, heed the shadows that medicine casts.
Side effects lurk, like silent phantoms, Unseen until they weave their venom.
A pill to cure, another to mend, But what of the cost? What of the end?

Balancing Act:

Physicians tread a tightrope thin, Weighing benefits against the din.
For every ailment, a calculated choice, To heal or harm, to silence or voice.

Holistic Harmony:

Perhaps the answer lies in balance.
Nature’s remedies, ancient and wise, Harmonize with science’s enterprise.
A cup of chamomile, a forest stroll, To mend the spirit, make the heart whole.

User Beware:

So, dear seeker of health’s embrace, Be informed, question, seek your space
Medicine, a tool, not fate’s decree, Navigate wisely, for your body’s plea.
Remember, knowledge empowers, and choice is your compass.

Some diseases can be treated at home. Which of these do you know?



Certainly! There are several conditions that can be managed at home. Here are a few
COVID-19: If you or someone you know is sick with COVID-19, there are care tips for managing symptoms at home. It’s essential to understand when emergency care is needed and how to prevent the spread of infection

Pain and Inflammation:

Turmeric: This golden spice has been used for centuries in South Asia. Curcumin, a compound in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce pain associated with conditions like arthritis Consider taking curcumin supplements or adding turmeric to your diet
Chili Peppers (Capsaicin): Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, is used topically for managing pain. It can create a warming sensation and eventually numb the area. You can even find prescription capsaicin patches for sore muscles or generalized body pain.

Autoimmune Diseases:

While not all autoimmune diseases can be fully treated at home, some home remedies may help reduce symptoms. Consider incorporating fish oil, vitamin D, and coconut oil into your routine.
Remember that it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any home remedies, especially for serious conditions. Always prioritize safety and seek medical advice when needed.

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Thanks dear 🙏


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