Calcium Awareness For Our Body Health contest

in Healthy Steem7 months ago
Calcium Awareness For Our Body Health


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How calcium is beneficial for good health.

Give some examples of Calcium rich food?

Problems that may cause by deficiency of calcium?

How calcium is beneficial for good health



Your body needs calcium to maintain strong bone structure Your heart, muscles, and nerves also need calcium to function properly Some studies show that calcium, vitamin D In addition, it can have many benefits for bone health Calcium may protect you from cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure



Calcium is a mineral often associated with healthy bones and teeth, although it also plays an important role in blood clotting, helping muscles contract, and regulating normal heart rhythm and nerve function
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body Humans need calcium to build and maintain strong bones, and 99% of the body's reliable source of calcium is in bones and teeth. It is also important for maintaining healthy communication between the brain and other parts of the body It plays a role in muscle movement and cardiovascular function
Calcium helps regulate muscle contraction When a nerve stimulates a muscle, the body releases calcium Calcium helps in the contraction of protein in muscles
Calcium plays a key role in blood clotting The coagulation process is complex and involves several steps They contain a range of chemicals including calcium
Calcium's role in muscle function includes being a reliable source of maintaining heart muscle function Calcium relaxes the smooth muscle that surrounds blood vessels Various studies have identified a possible link between high calcium intake and low blood pressure.

Give some examples of Calcium rich food?



Calcium is extremely important for human health and especially for bone strength, so experts recommend 4 foods that can provide plenty of calcium
Calcium is one of the minerals considered necessary for the body and it is also considered necessary for the development of bones and their strength, the lack of calcium in adults and children can cause the problem of weakness and weak bones Therefore, due to the adequate amount of calcium in our body, our bones, their joints and muscles can perform their functions many times better Well, calcium can be obtained from milk and other dairy products, but apart from that, you can also get rich amounts of calcium from certain types of ingredients




Almonds are one of the dry fruits that are rich in nutrients and the phosphorus, iron and magnesium contained in them are very beneficial for health, while the calcium contained in them provides adequate amount of nutrients to the body




Figs are one of the dry fruits especially used in winters as the calcium in it provides a lot of energy along with nutrition, so its consumption helps to compensate for calcium deficiency




Cano is a juicy and delicious winter fruit that is very beneficial for human health, this fruit contains calcium as well as vitamin C and is an excellent fruit to get calcium

Sesame Seeds



Sesame seeds are used to lower high blood pressure and also have the ability to fight many types of cancer so it can be used effectively with salads

Problems that may cause by deficiency of calcium?



Calcium is an important element that our body is unable to make on its own and must be obtained through diet
According to medical experts, people between the ages of 19 and 50 need 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, while the amount for older adults is 1,200 milligrams
This may seem like a small amount to read, but most people fail to achieve this and fall victim to calcium deficiency, which has become a common problem today
And it can be serious if it is not diagnosed and treated in time, here you will know the symptoms that tell about calcium deficiency
And yes, white nails do not indicate calcium deficiency

Numbness or pins and needles

The first symptom of lack of calcium in the body is something that most people don't even pay attention to According to medical experts, numbness in the fingers or a feeling of pins and needles in them can be a sign that the body is facing a lack of calcium

Weak and brittle nails

One of the most common symptoms of calcium deficiency is weak and brittle nails, if your nails often break or do not grow properly, this could be a result of calcium deficiency In this case, consumption of milk products, green leafy vegetables, fish, nuts and figs etc can get rid of this problem

Muscle stiffness



Muscle stiffness is also one of the early symptoms of calcium deficiency, although muscle stiffness is not alarming, however if it is experienced several times a day, it can be a sign of calcium deficiency

Dental problems



Calcium is a very important component for dental health, its deficiency also affects the teeth If the teeth start to suffer from wear and the problem of cavities starts recurring, along with bad breath, it can be a result of calcium deficiency Drinking more milk can help in this regard

High blood pressure

According to various medical research reports, adequate amount of calcium in the body helps in normalizing the blood pressure Calcium is a component that helps in the dilation of blood vessels while also helping in the transmission of signals between nerves and cells

Vitamin D deficiency

Calcium needs vitamin D to be absorbed into the body, so a deficiency of one can affect levels of the other So increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D like porridge, milk and juices etc Sunlight is also a good source of vitamin D


Calcium also helps in the release of the sleep-inducing chemical melatonin in the body If there is a lack of calcium, the body cannot release this chemical in the required amount, resulting in a sleepless night

To feel dizziness

If the complaint is often encountered, it can be a symptom of various diseases, but this problem often emerges in the case of severe calcium deficiency

Being lethargic and sleepy all the time

Calcium deficiency results in physical lethargy and sleepiness so that the body can balance the calcium level, our body can only absorb a certain amount of calcium at a time, so eating too much does not solve this problem, but the day A small amount is necessary

Memory loss

According to medical experts, one of the symptoms of calcium deficiency is forgetfulness or disorientation, usually due to constant fatigue that does not allow things to stick in the mind

Irregular heartbeat

According to medical experts, if the rhythm of the heart deviates from normal and this problem appears for several days, it may be a calcium deficiency, for which a doctor should be consulted

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Healthy Steem Team
@edgargonzalez, @oneidaa , @Mesola , @Dexsyluz, @suboohi
@sahmie, @aaliarubab

 7 months ago (edited)

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest
Entry number 3

 7 months ago 

Thanks for your response dear 🙏


Hello Zaink! 🌟 Your post on Calcium Awareness is a treasure trove of knowledge! 🦴💡 Your detailed insights into calcium's role in bone structure, muscle function, and various health benefits make it an enlightening read! 🏋️‍♀️🍊 The breakdown of rich calcium sources, from almonds to figs and sesame seeds, is a delightful addition—making it easier for readers to incorporate these into their diets. 🥦🌰 The visuals and creative use of Polaroid frames enhance the aesthetic appeal of your content. 📸🎨 The section on problems caused by calcium deficiency is a valuable guide, covering symptoms like numbness, dental issues, and even insomnia. 😴💅 Your comprehensive approach and emphasis on the importance of calcium and vitamin D balance make this post a health gem! 💎🩹 Keep shining with your informative content, and cheers to a healthier Steem community! 🚀🌈 Stay well! 💖💪

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much for reading my post so carefully and expressing your opinion

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