Contest Alert | Share Some Effective Ways To Reduce Weight

in Healthy Steem8 months ago (edited)


Hello fellow Steemians. Welcome back to my blog. Hope we’ve been doing just fine. The thing about obesity is that, it can be seen as a problem even when you’re not there. Special thanks to @suboohi for organising this wonderful contest.



Obesity, according to Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, means to be very fat in a way that is not healthy. This is an issue most people are faced with when they weigh more than they are able to carry. This can be in one’s genes or can be acquired by our diet, and the habit we cultivate. It is a chronic disease with several cases that sometimes lead to poor health. Obesity is an outcome of the excessive fat we accumulate in the body which can affect the way one’s body can function.


Obesity can affect one’s health in several ways. They include:

Aesthetics: this can give a poor shape to someone who has this challenge. This is especially in countries where slim people are seen as the beautiful ones. The obese people will feel left out, and may even be forced to plan for a surgery just to look good, and of course, healthy.

Life span: They(obese) people are faced with so many disease that can affect their life span. This is contrary to how they slim counterpart feel. Once they become used to getting treatments upon treatment in a matter of days, and weeks, then it becomes life threatening.

Diabetes: obesity is sometimes caused by consuming a lot of sugary things, and junks. That’s why a child of 17 can be mistaken for 24 or thereabout. These sugars are then stored somewhere in the system, ready to become a problem to the individual at some point.


Cancer: this is one deadly disease that should be avoided at all costs. Disease of the heart, arteries and kidney are on the high side which may be out of control leading to cancer.

Infertility: women who are obese are at risk of having a miscarriage or taking long to conceive as opposed to their slim counterparts. The men are not excluded, as they also have infertility issue since excessive body fat is linked with low testosterone.



They are ways to prevent this from happening or getting rid of the problem. They are:

  1. Removal of the factor(fat): intake of food that contain calories should be supervised, and reduced.
  2. The time at which one feeds should also be examined. Eat when you’re sure the food will digest well before bedtime.
  3. Have a good diet plan and exercise frequently to burn fat.
  4. Sugar intake should be very low, if not crossed out.
  5. Junk foods should be avoided.
  6. Take enough sleep, and do not really stress yourself.


In conclusion, obesity stems most time from the genetics, one’s lifestyle and diet. We need to be on the look out for this intentionally. It is not the end of one’s life to be in this situation.

There’s hope for them. We still have smart, beautiful, and intelligent people who are obese. But to be on the safer side to live healthily, this matter should be taken seriously.

Would like to invite @ukpono, @kyrie1234 and @sariana23 to participate in the contest.

Thanks for reading through.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest
Entry number 3

 8 months ago 

Thank you.

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