SEC- S13/W4|”The Role of a caregiver♥️”steemCreated with Sketch.

in Healthy Steem8 months ago

Steem greetings to everyone from my home country Cameroon. It’s another exciting week3 engagement for me to participate with my entry. Organised by healthy steem community .A special thanks to all the admins who have brought this topic “The role of a caregiver”for us to discuss.



I .A care given can be any one base on the emotion or love you show to someone in sick conditions .It’s also be when some in need of help either financially and moral support and you turn to help.I will be sharing my own thoughts focused on the guidelines questions given below 👇 .

Have you played a role of care giver or do you do know someone who have put into practice?Tell us

Yes I have played the role of a care giver serval time .To family members , my parents and friends.I will only explain a case of my of my grandmother, my fathers mother. Who lived for 116yearsI was always with my grandmother during holidays period.She was already in an age that us as family members needed to care for her, because she couldn’t do any thing on her own.



My role played as a care giver during holidays to my grandmother is that .I had to travelled to my grandmother place in the village where she lived.To also asist her daughter whom was taking care of her .

I always make sure my grandmother eat on time , washed her dresses, take medication , cook her foods , warm her water to bath and take her to the bathroom asisted her to baths and lastly give her accompany .Since, she was financially down healthwise.The truth is to take care of age people is not always easy but you just need to understand and take them the way are .To do your job as a care giver.

Do you thing care for a sick person should be a team effort or the work of single person

Yes of course it’s should be teamwork, I earlier mentioned the case of my grandmother that the daughter was taking care of her with others .I only had chance to take care of my grandmother during holidays .The think is that taking care of a sick person alone is not always easy it need team work .



Seriously,I will say a sick person is not easy to handle alone it broken someone .At times you might turn to be agrressive because you see it as a burden.You can easily fall sick because of the stress involved in the multi tasks that is been done by one person.Therefore , I say all human beings need rest at a point .Sick person should be taken care of by teamwork by different individuals.

What qualities do you think a care giver should have ?

  • A care giver need to be soft hearted and not easily quick tempered.

  • A caregiver should be some someone who is patient, communicate well and should be more of a listener than a talker.

  • A caregiver should be a conscience person and someone who can manage time well .Especially to giver proper medication to the sick person.

  • A caregiver some be someone one who is clean base hygienic condition.

  • A caregiver should be a conscience to keep daily records of what happens.

What advice do you give to a person who is performing this role?



My advise to all the caregiver either a nurse , Doctor, individual etch. Is that the task is not always easy,You just to understand you sick person and him or her they way she is .This will make you to play role of caregiver with joy and passion.Hope should not be lost because you can make your patients to be restless and hopeless .In any situation you find yourself accept it and do it well as caregiver.

I have come to the end of my discussion.I will invites @josepha @crismenia @fi25 @anroja and @pandora2010 .To participate in this engagement challenge.

 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your experience as a caregiver is truly inspiring. It takes immense patience, understanding, and teamwork to care for a sick person effectively. Your advice to accept the situation and approach caregiving with passion is invaluable. Best wishes to all caregivers! 🌼👩‍⚕️

 8 months ago 

Thank you for seeing my post worth interesting, I do appreciate

 8 months ago 

Wow, dear friend, your grandmother was blessed to last 116 years and it's good that on vacation you were going to visit her to take care of her.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

 8 months ago 

Indeed friend she was a blessing to us the grand children.Thank you

 8 months ago (edited)

It is a blessing to be able to count on the help of a loved one in need and it is a blessing that your grandmother, with her age, can feel the love in the care of her family.
Blessings @wirngo!

 8 months ago 

Thank you friend really is a blessing as a grand child to take care of your grand mom,I most say I enjoyed abit of everything .Eventhough it was not easy .Eish the best with your entry

You have made a wonderful post here, truly the role of a care giver is not something any how person should take. Because it's demanding, you are lucky to see your mother who lived very long my regards dear friend.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for adding more light in my post I really appreciate

 8 months ago 

Firstly a big congratulations to you once again for your grandmother living a ripe old age too. It's indeed a great task of caregiving I must tell you. You really took good care of your grandmother, feeding her, bathing her and giving her a comfortable environment. You are really genius! You said very special features of a good care giver such as being soft hearted and not quick tempered, I must commend your effort as a caregiver. I learnt enough from your article.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much dear ,am really previlledge my grand mom lived for long before he died .Amgraful for that ,even though taking care of her at old age was not easy for the grand children and her children.There most always be team work to succeed in such situations

 8 months ago 

Greetings dear friend, giving a helping hand when someone is in need financially or physically is very important in life, you have written so beautiful and I love every part it. Best of luck dear.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for appreciating my work am grateful you learned a lot from my post .Which you the best in your entry

I believe in the fact that a caregiver should be more of a listener than a talker. This is true because the patient being taken care of might be emotionally troubled. A caregiver should mind the kind of word he utters in the presence of his patience as it can endanger or worsen the health of the individual.

Thanks for sharing.

 8 months ago 

You are right dear ,Thanks for engaging in my post and seeing my post reading

 8 months ago 

Hola amiga

Felicitaciones porque hiciste un buen trabajo como cuidadora viajando a la casa de tu abuela para ayudarla con su hija.

El consejo que deja todos los cuidadores está muy bien dado porque la persona que es un cuidador debe hacer su trabajo bien para poder ayudar a la persona enferma a recuperarse y no a deprimirse por recibir algún maltrato o algunas palabras hiriente.

No es fácil el trabajo pero si se hace desde el corazón se puede lograr la recuperación más rápida.

Le deseo mucha suerte en su concurso


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