Contest - Share Effective Tips To Boost Your Immune System || 10% to Healthy Steem

in Healthy Steemlast year (edited)

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Greetings everyone! I hope you’re all feeling great. I can’t wait to share with you some awesome tips that I’ve tested myself and that really help to strengthen your immune system.


Firstly, nutrition. As we all know, a healthy diet is crucial for our health. However, many of us believe that junk or processed foods provide immediate energy. In reality, these foods are detrimental to our health. If you wish to fortify your immune system, I’d suggest you to eat green vegetables, fruits and lean proteins like chicken or fish. These foods are naturally rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen our bodies.


Image by jcomp on Freepik

Plus, always make sure you maintain a healthy eating schedule, meaning neither eat too little nor too much. Instead, consume moderate amounts of food. Moreover, our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

"Nothing is worse than a person who fills his stomach. It should be enough for the son of Adam to have a few bites to satisfy his hunger. If he wishes more, it should be: One-third for his food, one-third for his liquids and one-third for his breath."

So, here is the thing, if you eat more than necessary and accumulate excessive calories in your body, you may become a victim of obesity. I've already written an article on obesity a few days ago. If you're interested in reading it, click here.

Physical Activity

However, merely focusing on nutrition won't get you very far. Physical activity such as running is an equally significant pillar of health. I'm not suggesting that we need to run marathons daily. 😄 Instead, just about 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day should do the trick. This could involve a brisk walk, a bike ride, or any activity we enjoy that gets our heart rate up. Regular exercise strengthens our body's natural defence system and makes us feel healthier, more energetic, and invigorated. And whatever I’m saying, I’m saying it from my own experience because I myself take out an hour for gym daily and exercise. And I’ve experienced the journey from being skinny to fit.

Waqar Gym transformation.jpg



The third vital point is good sleep. Sleep is also crucial for our immune system. Often, we think we are busy or have too much work, so we reduce our sleep. This thought process is entirely incorrect. A minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep every night is necessary because our bodies repair themselves while we sleep. If we don't sleep properly, our bodies can't repair correctly, weakening the immune system. Therefore, we need to make sure to take care of our sleep routine.



Stress Management

Lastly, another essential aspect we need to keep in mind is stress management. Stress weakens our immune system. Stress, no matter its cause, has a significant negative impact on our immune system. Sometimes, we think a little stress is normal, but if it's continuous, it harms our health. Stress makes our bodies produce hormones, like cortisol, that are bad for us. If we don’t get rid of these hormones quickly, they make our immune system weaker. That’s why we need to find ways to cope with stress.

The secret of stress management lies in finding activities that help us unwind and relax. We can relax and feel more peaceful by doing yoga and meditation. They are great ways to deal with stress. But if they don’t suit you, you can try other things. You might enjoy doing something fun, spending time with your buddies, or getting lost in a great book. Trust me, these can also help you feel more calm and serene.

Everything I talked about is related. When we eat well, exercise, sleep enough, and manage stress, our immune system gets better. And a better immune system means we feel healthier, more energetic, and happier. Plus, we shouldn’t forget that we are in charge of our own health. We can decide to make the right choices and do what’s good for our health. 🙂

I would like to invite @lhorgic, @josepha, @irawandedy, @malikusman1, @patjewell, @mile16, @josevas217 and @simonnwigwe to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 18-June-2023 | Achievement 1
 last year 

Okay, you've highlighted three great points about how to strengthen your immune system.

  • Nutrition
  • Being active
  • Enough sleep and
  • Stress management

If only we would listen to advice when it affects our health, but so often it is the one thing we give a second thought to.

Great post!
I wish you well for the contest and thank you for the invitation!

 last year 

It’s true that we often overlook the importance of taking care of our health, but it’s never too late to start. I appreciate your support and well wishes for the contest. 😊

 last year 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.
Entry number 5

 last year 

@waqarahemdshah - please contact me on Discord

Aalia Rubab#3040


 last year 

Alright, I've added you on Discord. 🙂

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