Wk 25: The Diary Game and Your Health | My Best Day"

in Healthy Steem2 months ago (edited)

It has to be the best day of the week already because I met my best friend.



I got up at 5:00 am, after prayers I went to make breakfast for my kid brother so he could leave for school early. After Cooking I went back to sleep and finally got up by 7:00 am to do my chores and prepare for school. After preparing, I took my bath and prepared for lectures while my mom got ready to go to the bank. I and my mom boarded the same mini bus but she dropped before me and I highlighted at the university town campus and boarded another Keke to the annex campus of the university. As I go there i called my best friend so I'll not be lonely and we strolled together around the campus, I finally followed her to attend her lectures.



After her lectures, we went to a friend's house together to cook launch and eat. I cooked Jellof rice and chicken and we both ate together while my friend ate alone.


After sleeping we started making videos together because it's so long we last met. After making the videos I finally slept off because the fan was blowing really cool air and I was so tired and I had to sleep to relax. I got up at 3:10 pm and accompanied her for her next lecture after her next lecture we gisted for a very long time then I realized I forgot my earrings at home so I told her to help me get it but we didn't go again, we boarded the same bus and she headed home while I headed to hostel.





As I got to the hostel,my roommates gave me a warm welcome because I traveled home due to the fact that I was sick. I arranged my things and laid my bed then ate the yam, potato, plantain and fish my friend bought for me with pepper sauce.


After eating I went out to take a stroll and greet my course mates in other rooms in order to know what I missed today in class. After that I went to buy rice and pepper stew I'll eat much later, then I waited for NEPA to restore power.


When the light was restored I charged my phone then went to take my bath so I could eat my dinner, after eating my dinner, I dressed up and copied my notes, after copying the notes I ate my dinner and started going through my steemit to remember the good old days I always got vote from steem curator 09 because things are kinda different now and I don't get votes easily, I felt discouraged and decided to console my self with the fact that things were better and will get better as times goes on. I started typing my diary game so I could sleep because tomorrow will be a long day.

I invite @adachukwu, @imadear and @zekanem to participate in this contest

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