Contest: Healthy sex life

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

Edited with photostudio



Sexual transmitted diseases are shortened as STD is an infection caused by unprompted sexual relationships. HIV/AIDS is one of the most commonly known sexual transmitted diseases. HIV/AIDS has no cure it is a life threatening sexual transmitted disease that can only be managed with a closed medical supplement.


Causes of sexual transmitted diseases

In ancient times, people believed that diseases were caused by witches and wizards. If anyone is suffering from sexual transmitted diseases of any for of diseases, they will accuse someone
of being the cause of the person's condition.

Sexual transmitted diseases are not caused by witches and wizards. Sexual transmitted diseases are caused by the following.

  1. An infected person has unprotected sex with another person. It can be people of the opposite sex or of the same sex.

  2. Sexual transmitted diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses. When these bacteria get into a person's body, it weakens the immune system, thereby causing him or her more harm.

Pixabay bacteria from an infected person causes STD


Prevention of sexual transmitted diseases

There are many ways to prevent sexual transmitted diseases. Some of the ways are.

  1. Total abstinence from premarital sex. This happens to be the most reliable way to avoid sexual transmitted diseases.

  2. Reduction of numerous of sex partners. A person with many sex partners is likely to have sexual transmitted diseases.

  3. In a situation where an individual is not sure of the health status of his or her partner, such a person should use condom to protect him or herself.

Pixabay using condom for protection


Transmission of sexual transmitted diseases

  • Sexual transmitted diseases are transmitted through sexual intercourse with an infected person. It can be through anal sex, vagina and oral sex.

  • An infected person can transmit the disease through kissing if the infected person has a wound in his or her mouth.

  • Generally, these diseases pass from one person to another through blood.


Symptoms of Sexual transmitted diseases

Symptoms of sexual transmitted diseases vary depending on the type of diseases a person contacts.

Some common known symptoms are

  1. Bumps on the genital area.
  2. Painful urination
  3. Pain during sex
  4. Vagina/penis discharge with offensive odour
  5. Itching inside the penis/vagina
  6. Abnormal bleeding from the vagina/penis.



It is best to stay away from premarital sex and for those who are married to maintain one sex partner.
Being faithful to your partner will spare anyone of contacting sexual transmitted diseases.
If anyone discovered that him or her has developed some of the symptoms mentioned in this post, it is best to meet the doctor for proper examination and treatment. There is good news and bad news regarding that.
The good news is that if the sexual transmitted diseases are discovered on time and treated, it can be eliminated, while the bad news is that some sexual transmitted diseases are not curable.

I am inviting @eliany and health personnel, @bela90 and @dove11, to take part in this contest.


 10 months ago 

Hola amigo,

Aveces no entiendo a las personas que no suelen cuidarse al tener múltiples relaciones sexuales con distintas parejas. Pienso que mayor es la desinformación sobre estas enfermedades.

Bendiciones, gracias por participar!

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