"Wk 29: The Diary Game and Your Health |Perfect food during summer "

in Healthy Steem25 days ago (edited)

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone.
This is @tammanna, from #Bangladesh.

Wk29  The Diary Game and your Health 💊 🏥.png
created by canva

Greetings to all my steemiean friends starting today's contest first of all I want to thank @aaliarubab who organized such a beautiful contest today I will tell all the details of my daily diet through the contest I will mention what healthy food I keep for my family and myself throughout the day. I enjoyed everything I will share through this contest but let's get started.

I got up in the morning and completed my breakfast today with eggs. I didn't want any special food due to the hot weather, so I kept some light food. Then in the noon, I ate a lemon in half a glass of water. I took lemon water and gave it to my son to avoid problems.


Then I feed my son a banana before bath Bananas contain lots of vitamins and eating bananas cleans the stomach improves digestion and relieves bowel problems so I made it a habit to feed my son regularly.



Today I had hot white rice in the afternoon. I like both the taste and the nutrition of the rice. Along with it, there is cow meat for Qurbani. Although it is not allowed to eat too much oil in hot weather, but still sometimes have to eat cow meat on the occasion of Qurbani Eid. So today I have beef in the recipe for noon. was kept.



In the afternoon I went for a walk with my son. My son played for a while in the field in front of our house. Through sports, my son's exercise is completed and I walk for half an hour. It is very important for the body and through sports, my son feels very fresh. Try to take it to the field for sports the sport was over, it was dark when I returned home in the evening. I bought two dub from the market next to us because now the water in dubs is very necessary for the body and helps to keep the body healthy. I spent about 200 taka to buy two dubs.steem price is 4.53.


It was nice to have different kinds of snacks in the evening. During summer I kept not any fried food for the evening so I kept different fruits like I kept ripe mango along with some litchi jam and talkur during summer these fruits are available in large quantities in the market and They are very nutritious for the body and do a lot of work to keep the body healthy so I have kept fruits as evening meal today that the body becomes strong and fresh.




After dinner today I didn't like to have heavy and oil food so today I ate hot rice with potato filling at night because after eating oil food some kind of gas accumulated in the stomach so gave potato filling very fun and prepared for sleep after dinner and almost I rule because eight hours of sleep will make my body feel like a free try to sleep at the same time every day as a rule, my body and mind are much better. As of today, I am leaving here. See you in a new post. Until then, everyone will be fine. May God bless you.

Invite friends:
@yancar and

Deviceoppo 11 pro
Thanks everyone for reading my post



Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my post. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


 25 days ago 

Hola tammanna, muy buenos alimentos en tu día, las frutas y verduras son muy importantes en nuestra dieta diaria.

Feliz y bendecido día.

 24 days ago 

Hola, yo también tomo jugo de limón a diario, con una pizca de bicarbonato de sodio. Y además comemos bananas, aquí se consume el plátano además. Ahora es temporada de mangos y siempre lo tenemos disponibles.
Saludos y éxitos.


Saya tertarik melihat mangga yang telah anda kupas, seperti nya sangat lezat jika di dimakan dengan saus kacang. Memang kalau tidur selama 8 jam badan akan terasa segar. Tapi saya tidak bisa tidur selama itu 4 jam saja membuat badan sudah sangat segar. Postingan anda sangat menarik, terimakasih sudah berbagi cerita, sukses buat anda.

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