Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - “The worst enemy, sugar."

in Healthy Steem10 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone. I am @sumayaorin

From #Bangladesh

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Greetings, everyone, I trust that everyone is in good health and well-being, guided by divine providence. I am pleased to participate in today's engagement challenge centered around the topic of "The Worst Enemy: Sugar."
Do you know how much sugar you consume per day?

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I've always enjoyed desserts and beverages. My father and father-in-law had Type 2 diabetes, so I stopped eating sugar and put my health first after finding out. I occasionally eat sweets. but I am trying to minimise them.I consume sugary snacks on occasion, although I make an effort to limit their consumption. struggle to balance my wants with my needs. I've become more vigilant about reading labels and monitoring my daily sugar consumption, understanding the hidden sugars in various foods and beverages. It's crucial to stay aware, as these sugars can easily accumulate without us realizing it.

Do you have a family member who has diabetes?

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Yes. My father in law is a diabetic patience since 2011. He used to like sweets, Biryani, and other high-calorie dishes. Regrettably, his affinity for these delectable dishes played a role in his diagnosis of diabetes.Witnessing him unable to enjoy the foods he once loved is disheartening. It's tough to see him having to follow strict dietary rules to keep his diabetes under control.

The impact of diabetes extends beyond my father-in-law alone; it affects our entire family. My husband, daughter, and I all enjoy rich and sweet foods, but we are now more conscious of the choices we make, considering his condition. It's difficult to eat those foods in front of him, knowing that he can't partake in them due to his health restrictions.
Recently, my father also had a health scare when his diabetes level showed 11 on an empty stomach, which is alarming. He has started seeking help from doctors and has even consulted with my father-in-law for tips on how to avoid sugary foods and manage his diabetes effectively.
Do you have sugar problems?

As of now, I’m fine with sugar. I followed special food suggestions during my pregnancy due to slightly increased blood sugar levels. Since then, I've been trying to avoide sugar to stay healthy. I'm monitoring my father's health more since his diabetes diagnosis. I record his sugar readings on the machine when he checks them. It made me realize how important sugar management is for general health. Being close to someone with diabetes has taught me the importance of eating well and remaining knowledgeable about sugar-related health issues. I want to help my father manage diabetes while taking care of myself.

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Here are some tips to help you conquer the sugar conundrum and manage your sweet tooth with finesse:

1.Fantastic! Sugar Swap: Eat healthful snacks. Berries, apples, and oranges are sweet. Delicious and healthy.

2. Check sugar labels. Avoid "fructose," "corn syrup," and "ose." Food ingredients help you pick.

3. Gradual Reduction: Cold turkey isn't for everyone! Reduce sugar carefully to avoid flavor shock. You'll desire less sweets.

4. Mindful Indulgence:Enjoy sweets sometimes. Enjoy every bite. Indulgence may be balanced.

5. Stay Hydrated: Thirst might mimic hunger or wants. Water, herbal teas, and infused water satisfy sugar cravings.

6. Protein Power: Protein in meals and snacks stabilizes blood sugar and curbs sugar cravings. Nuts, yogurt, and hummus decrease appetites.

7. Sleep: Lack of sleep might induce sugar cravings. Rested bodies may resist sweets.

8. Exercise: Endorphins lessen sweet cravings. Dance, walk, run, anything!

9. Buddy System: Tell friends and family about sugar-cutting. Support enlivens the process.

10. Celebrate little wins. Reward your self-control. Encouraging helps!

You're fine! Sugar balance your lifestyle. Defeat delicious dragons with these tips!

What do you think about sugar as worst enemy?

Sugar—the hidden nutrition villain! It's the party's sugary charmer. It's sabotaging your health! Imagine sugar as a sneaky gremlin hiding in your favorite treats and waiting to assault your waistline. While enjoying a delicious doughnut, you may feel remorse and humiliation. Sugar has a big plan. It aims to make you a couch potato with a sweet tooth. Not to mention its dental sabotage! It's the mastermind behind cavities and dental costs.

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You can outwit this sugar bandit! Knowledge and self-control can defeat its deceptive methods. Use full fruits and veggies as armor and a water bottle barrier to resist its seductive lure. My friends, sugar may attempt to be your "worst enemy," but with a little willpower, you can defeat it and win the war for greater health! May your journey be delicious, but not too sweet, and full of laughter!

In conclusion, although my fondness for sugar remains, I am now committed to prioritizing my health and making informed decisions regarding my consumption of sugar. Engaging in this challenge has served as a poignant reminder of the significance of continuously striving towards a healthier way of life.

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