SEC-S:11W :6 ||The diary game and your health||

in Healthy Steem11 months ago (edited)
Greetings and blessings to you all friends

Welcome to my blog,I hope all of you good by the grace of God I am fine too it's pleasure for me to participate again engagement challenge season 11 in new week sex with my diary diary post so guys without wasting time let start my health related diary post.

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My beautiful day start with the name of Allah I offering my Fajar prays. After that I need bad tes for myself and enjoying the early morning scenes and thanks god for who made beautiful world as usual I went on morning walk with my hubby. I love to capture natural beauty so I click some pictures of curing morning walk.Its very good habit I am trying to go regular walk for 39 minutes and light exercise.


After 1 hour walk I back to home and fastly meet breakfast for my family today I need halwa puri at home the most favourite traditional food of Pakistan and my family like it very much it's little bit time consuming but for my love ones I cooked. We all together enjoy the delicious breakfast.


After breakfast I took my anti-allergy medicines that I used since 3 months for because of my skin itchy and fungal infact,I also milk with turmeric powder at bed time it's anti fugal properties heal up inner side of body .ln anti allergy medicine having sleeping pin properties so that made me relax for whole night .


To today high Cooked mix vegetables and fruits salad with pasta 🍝😋 my whole family like mix vegetable make I am at colourful vegetables due to increase his nutritional value today I had potato brinjal Spanish fenugreek leaves and cabbage and in fruit salad I had banana orange Apple pasta in spiral shape fruit cream orange juice, all these ingredients are really delicious as well healthy and fulfill the daily requirement


After lunch my kids to snow small nap and I got free time so I quickly login steemit and reply and voting some quality content I am trying to active in regular basis because I know that active users got rewards from the platform. Nowadays I am busy in shopping in searching the very unique dress for wedding ceremony of my nephew for during searching I got the online HDM on Instagram and I like the dress and I ordered that dress.


At evening I went on nearest supermarket and what different vegetables and fruit for dinner mostly I groceries at Imtiaz supermarket in twice a month so I bought different necessary items of food and back to home .


Evening time is the tea time at my home my daughter have some made my favourite tea with chocolate sandwich biscuit and I took the wonderful day and felt tiredness gone in Pakistan most of the people are addicted by evening tea ☕.


Had evening my little son when wanted to go on Rider her tricycle so we went on Park enjoy the beautiful and funny rides with my kids and took some refreshment.


For dinner I made chicken bread with yummy veggies In different style today I am not with the bread today I am trying it and during I capture the image only for today's daily so the healthy yummy dinner is ready and we all enjoy it and thanks God for delicious dinner who given us.


After dinner I clean up my kitchen hand offering my night then it's 10 o'clock and it's time for watching my favourite drama today is the last episode of this drama so I enjoy the whole her with my hubby after that I again login in estimate and meet today is diary for engagement challenge post and trying to write my whole day activities I help you guys like my diary.

I hope you like my blog ,to finish I would like to invite my friends @suboohi ,@jyoti-thelight ,@inspiration ,@pelon53,@deepak94 to participate in wonderful contest and share there fabulous entries in steemit engagement challenge.

it's pleasure for me to being with me will be right back soon with my new blog till then take care your self and your love once 💓💓Allah Hafiz Regards@sualeha 🦋

 11 months ago 

Hola amiga @sualeha, un placer leer tu día.

Comienzas el día caminando, que bueno porque así das energía al día que comienza.

Espero te mejores de la alergia y de los himgos.

Tus comidas se ven deliciosas. Sobre todo me gusta el pollo y esas ricas verduras.

Estaré participando en los próximos días. Gracias por al invitación


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator07. Good post here should be..


Curated by : <@graceleon>

Chocolate biscuits with tea is also my favourite. You said right that people are addicted to take tea in specially Pakistan. Besides this, in dinner 🍽️ chicken bread and veggies are so delicious and energetic food for human body. In dinner 🍽️ we shouldn't full our stomach because in the night our digestive is slow and it works slowly.

 10 months ago 

Thanks dear for give valuable feedback on my post

Holaa. Que día tan pacifico tienes, me gusta la forma en que llevas tu vida y el mundo espiritual. También veo lo planificada y organizada. Ese hala puri quiero probarlo, se ve rico.

 10 months ago 

Yes, when we engage in our walking workout, we can witness beautiful sceneries on the way. Good luck with the contest.

 10 months ago 

Saludos, muy coloridas tus comidas, te felicito por eso, ya que dicen que mientras mas color haya en un pato significa que esta mas balanceado...

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