Contest Alert!! Awareness About Diabetes

in Healthy Steemlast month

To All steemians Friends i hope All you will be fine and doing well.I am also fine with blessing of Allah Almighty. I am @shoaib5100 from Pakistan and you are reading my blog On steemit platform.

what do you understand by the term Diabetes?

A high concentration of sugar or glucose has built up in the blood leading to the chronic illness known as diabetes. It can be explained by the pancreas either not releasing enough insulin or not using it properly which results in the production of less insulin.


  • The human body makes energy from the sugar in the blood.
  • Diabetes is a disease in which the body is not able to use sugar and due to this the level of sugar in the blood increases which damages other organs of the body.
  • Diabetes can lead to many other diseases including blindness, heart diseases kidney problems and many other disorders.
  • This disease is spreading rapidly all over the world.
  • According to an estimate more than 42 million people worldwide are suffering from this disease.
Shere the causes of diabetes?
  • If you have high blood glucose levels it can be difficult to tell so you need to get regular testing from your GP. In acute cases you may have any of the following acute symptoms:

  • Excessive urination especially at night.
    Feeling more thirsty than usual.

  • Feeling exhausted.

  • Effortless weight loss.

  • How many more wounds will take longer to heal.
    Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any of these symptoms or if you suspect any change in your health.


How can we prevent us from these issues?
  • Most of the patients with diabetes are quite fond of food and drink, and in a sense, their fondness is also the cause of their disease. But when Zia Batis is diagnosed their world changes.
  • Everything they used to love is forbidden, and they are handed a hazy food chart written on a piece of paper and ordered to eat only those things for the rest of their lives.
  • We have always understood that this situation should change. It is true that a diabetic patient will have to accept some restrictions regarding food, but we can still create room for choice in their diet according to their personal likes and dislikes.
  • Also, we wanted to set some dietary recommendations for diabetics, which are appropriate for our country and our culture.


you can give suggestions to improve health care of diabetes patient?
  • Do not smooking.
  • control and maintain Blood pressure.
  • Control and maintain Choleostrol lavel.
  • Take Exercise Regularely.
  • keep your medicine continues daily base.

I invite @aliraza880 @kashif5088 @azeem22, to participate.

My Achievement link 1

 last month (edited)

Hola amigo, lamento decirte que de las 438 palabras que escribiste en esta publicación, 84 de ellas son plagio (20% aproximadamente)

No debes copiar el trabajo de los demás, debes ser genuino al escribir sobre todo en esta plataforma, donde recompensan a los usuarios por su originalidad. La porción que fue plagiada fue esta:

''El cuerpo humano produce energía a partir del azúcar en la sangre. La diabetes es una enfermedad en la que el cuerpo no es capaz de utilizar el azúcar y debido a esto aumenta el nivel de azúcar en la sangre, lo que daña otros órganos del cuerpo. La diabetes puede provocar muchas otras enfermedades, como ceguera, enfermedades cardíacas, problemas renales y muchos otros trastornos. Esta enfermedad se está extendiendo rápidamente por todo el mundo. Según una estimación, más de 42 millones de personas en todo el mundo padecen esta enfermedad.''

Detector utilizado:

Me llama la atención que la fuente proviene de un vídeo youtube de un hombre hablando el idioma de Pakistán, ¿Podría ser que el contenido de esa publicación completa está contenida en ese vídeo? por favor @aaliarubab comprueba eso con el siguiente enlace

A pesar de que tienes más de dos años en Steemit, te invito a realizar tus logros de recién llegado para que puedas tener conocimiento de este tipo de infracciones, en steemit se premia al buen creador de contenido.

Si tienes alguna duda, no olvides que me puedes encontrar en discord y en telegram como @dexsyluz, siempre estaré dispuesta a brindarte ayuda!


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