Contest Alert ⚠️ Mental Peace

in Healthy Steemlast month

Hello Steemit friends,
how are you all? I hope you are all well by the grace of Allah. I am also fine by the grace of Allah.Today, I will participate in the new contest from Healthy Steem brought by the honorable Admin @suboohi. The name of the Contest is "Contest Alert ⚠️ Mental Peace" Thank you Healthy Steem for bringing this beautiful contest to us.

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✅What do you understand by mental peace.

Human tranquility is a state of the human mind where there is psychological well-being and tranquility. A circle of happiness and peace works in the mind, there is no additional anxiety or any kind of pain.
If human peace is to be found, we have to pay attention to several things. Such as-

  • Build positive relationships with everyone.
  • Emphasis on a healthy lifestyle.
  • Having the habit of respecting elders and giving affection and love to younger ones.
  • Having the humanity to respect people as human beings.
  • Creating a tendency to take everything for granted.
  • Through these actions, we can achieve human peace. And the state that is created by the combined effort of these actions is human peace.


✅describe the effects of achieving mental peace on a body.

Physical and human well-being are the greatest assets. If these two are not healthy and normal, money cannot buy happiness and peace. And between the two, human tranquility is the most important. Human calm has various effects on the body. For example:-

  • Improved cardiovascular health contributes to lower blood pressure levels and reduced heart rate, as well as helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.
  • If human peace is maintained, the immune system increases which results in less infection of the body.
  • Sleep is good if human calm is maintained. And sleep is a very necessary element for physical health.
  • Human relaxation helps to reduce muscle tension in the body. When muscle tension decreases, physical pain is much less.
  • Peace of mind helps to maintain the balance of hormones. By maintaining the balance of hormones, it is beneficial to keep stress and mood in good condition.
  • Peace of mind helps to reduce the stress of the body. This makes the digestion process easier. And if the digestion process is proper, the body is healthy.
  • Generally speaking, human tranquility is good for both mind and body. It helps to live a healthy worry-free life.


✅tell us about the ways through which help to get mental peace

Human peace is very important for a healthy and prosperous life. There are several ways to attain human peace. I mention some examples below-

  • Through meditation, we can remove the turmoil in our minds.
  • I can get human peace by maintaining good relations with everyone in the family.
  • Physical exercise keeps the body healthy as well as brings peace to the mind.
  • We can give importance to balanced food. If we eat balanced food, the body will be good and if the body is good, the mind will also be good.
  • Adequate sleep is necessary to keep the body healthy. Sleep plays an important role in keeping both body and mind fresh.
  • In order to maintain human peace, we can take the advice of a specialist doctor if necessary.
  • Engaging yourself in constructive social and family activities will create a sense of well-being.
  • I can involve myself in spiritual work. Creative work makes the mind happy.
    There are other ways in which we can achieve human peace.


I would like to invite three of my friends @zhanavic69 @kyrie1234 @entity01
Thank you all of you for reading my post. I hope you will like my article. I am leaving today.
Allah Hafez.


 last month 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 last month 

Hola querido @shahid76

Definitivamente, la salud mental es muy importante, creo que hubiera sido mejor que escribieras como estás cuidando tú de eso, como haces para mantener relaciones sanas con las personas!
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