Healthy Steem Contest - My Health ------- My Wealth

in Healthy Steemlast year (edited)
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good enjoying the sweet days, and best moments of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. I welcome you all from the core of my heart.


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Today I am participating in a contest Healthy Steem Contest - My Health ------- My Wealth Organized in Healthy Steem Community by @hive-168205 . This is a very useful topic, which surely will help lots of people. I am participating in with full spirit, and zeal. I will try all my best to do a better research on this topic and share it with you in a very brief form with easy language. Let's move toward our concern business without wasting any time.

You may have heard this proverb "Health is wealth". In our language we use the same proverb as " Good health worth is as thousands blessings". These proverbs tell us about the Importance of one's health, that how much one's health is important. It claim that the luxuries of life is in good health, not wealth.

Our topic resembles to these proverbs upto a great extant. My health, My wealth means, The greatest wealth of life is good health. If you are a healthy person you can enjoy the world. The meaning, and taste of life is alive until you are healthy, physically fit, having no fatal disease, and you can walk, you can see. According to me a poor man with no wealth, but good health is wealthy. While on the other hand, a rich man with alot of wealth, but no health is poor.

What is health? Share in your own words.


If I am given these two things, health or wealth. I will surely go for health. For me health is one of the greatest blessings of Allah. Health is life. Health is wealth. This is what the definition of health for me. A healthy person is far far better than the one with more wealth, but no health.

Let me give you an example: There is a person, he is poor. He doesn't have the luxuries of life, and have a normal life, but he is mentally and physically fit and healthy. On the other hand, we have another person, having great wealth,all the luxuries of life, but he is unhealthy, ill, and he has let suppose cancer. So I am hundred percent sure the rich man will give all his wealth to the poor person, if he agrees to give him his health. And at the same time I am pretty sure that the poor person will not give his health to him just for a single day. So from the given example we can imagine how much worthy thing health is.

What makes up good health?

The most important and prior thing is, health should always be our priority. We should always focus on our health. Focusing mean, our do and don't should always be according to our health.

According to my analysis for a healthy life two things are important. One is taking care of your diet, and the second one is Exercise. These both play a vital role in keeping us healthy. Let me give you a brief explaination of these both.

Importance Of Diet


A pure, natural and healthy diet is too much Important for a human body. We should always go for a natural food. Fast food, spicy, and oily things have an extreme adverse effects on our body. Cold drinks are also included in it. We should try our best to avoid these things in our Diet.

Proper nutrition increase the liveliving of a human being. It includes eating fruits, dry fruits, vegetables and meat. All these food have abundant of proteins, vitamins, fibres, and many more benefitial elements. This is the general overview, but as we know that all people's health are not the same. some may need excess of proteins, and other may need vitamins. So the best thing is that, one should do his/her check up from an expert doctor and manage his/her health according to the prescription of the doctor.

Importance Of Exercise


Exercise is as much important as a proper diet. I have seen many people, they care about their diet, but they are not exercise or workout conscious. Which is not a wise decision. A proper exercise is must for the proper functioning of a body. Morning and evening are the perfect timing for it.
Let's talk about some Importance of doing exercise daily.

Advantages Of Exercise

• It will always keeps you fit,healthy, and energetic.
• It helps you giving a peace of mind. You will always feel fresh.
• Experience is important for weight management. You must know over weight is the mother of diseases.
• strengthen your muscles and bones.
• It increase your cognitive power, gives you a better sleep, kills your depression.

What's your understanding of the phrase "Health is Wealth"?


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This is a well said and a very common, and most heard phrase in our lives. It's one and only interpretation is: health is most important wealth one has. It is even important then the wealth of money, and property. If you are healthy you can enjoy the world, it's luxuries, it's blessings. If you no health you can't enjoy your life, not even a single moment.

For a blind person, an eyesight is wealth. For a deaf person the power of listening is wealth. For a dumb person, the power of speaking is wealth. Even a small part of your body is more precious than the entire world. One know it's Importance when he lose it or having a kind of disorder in it. For instance, those who can see don't know about the Importance of eyesight, but when they lose it, they get know it. So a good health is the greatest blessing of Allah Almighty.


Health is obviously, and surely the greatest wealth.Taking care of health should be our priority in life. One must take proper diet, and do enough exercise so he can keep him/herself healthy. Their is life until you are healthy, life is gone when health is gone. We should always celebrate our health, and should be Thankful to Allah almighty for being healthy.


This is all about my blog for today. I hope you find it informative, and you have enjoyed reading it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic, till take care.

I would like to invite some of my best friends here to put light on the topic and enlighten us with your precious knowledge.

@aaliarubab @goodybest
@artist1111 @nadiaturrina

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Allah Hafiz

Regards shahid@2030



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