Contest alert!! || Heat stroke

in Healthy Steem3 months ago
Greetings to all steemains

My name is @sana-zahra and I live in Pakistan.
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you, I hope you are well, by the grace of Allah, I am also well and I am very happy that this is my first experience that I am participating in the contest and I am working on this platform and besides I hope you all will be happy. May Allah give you much progress and success.this is my first post that I am doing in healthy steem community.I am thankful to @khursheedanwar who organized this contest.

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• What is heat stroke?



Heat stroke is a disease caused by too much heat in the body.And when this happens due to excessive heat in the human body, the human body becomes very hot, which is not able to cool down, so this disease can be fatal for the human being. That is why we should consult our doctor immediately for this disease.This disease mostly occurs in the summer season when we have a lot of influence on our body temperature.


• What are heat stroke causes?



The main cause of this heatstroke is when our temperature becomes very hot up i.e. becomes over controlled, this disease occurs at that time and it is due to the heat and wind around us. And apart from this our body can also get heat stroke due to dehydration.Apart from this, in the summer season, we are usually doing many things in the heat, that is, if we are doing it in the heat, then the heat stops due to this, so we should take care of our health. And should not go into too much heat.


• Write 2 preventions of heat stroke.


The most important thing to avoid heat stock and I think we can avoid heat stock when we are careful like we don't go to a heated place or where there is a lot of non-heated air and if we are there If you are going, use a head cap and also use sunscreen to protect your skin and also use plenty of cold water.By using a lot of water in the hot season, our health is very good anyway and besides this, the most important recipe to avoid heatstroke in my opinion is to use cold water.


• Have you any attack of heat stroke in your life?



It is by the grace of Allah that I have not had any heat stroke yet and besides I drink a lot of water in every season. I feel very thirsty. Whether it's hot or cold, I use water a lot in every season.And in my opinion, it is better than suffering from any disease that we should be careful about those diseases in advance.


I invite my friends



Kind Regards



 3 months ago 

Hey dear. Your post was too informative. I suggested you to please mention your club status for support . Best of luck.

 3 months ago 

Thanks dear

 3 months ago 

Kindly verify your achievement 1 in newcommers community

 3 months ago 

Ok Sir

Wow that's awesome and a great contest
You have try your best and it's very amazing

 2 months ago 

By reading your post I can say that your post about Heat Stroke is really remarkable and appreciatable. Your emphasis on consulting a doctor immediately if someone experiences heat stroke is crucial, as timely medical intervention can save lives. Your suggestions for preventing heat stroke, such as avoiding excessive heat exposure, wearing appropriate clothing, using sunscreen, and staying hydrated with cold water, are all excellent measures. I wish your success in this platform and also keep me in your prayers.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much for reading my post

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