Wk 3 : The Diary Game and Your Health | My Healthy Day Unveiled: A Simple Diary of Well-being

in Healthy Steem7 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone in this great community of healthy minds and body, I must confess that I'm so exited to be here participating in this great contest and I'm excited to share my healthy diary to this great community join me as dive into the topic.

My diet


First up, breakfast! I keep it simple but super healthy. Veggies and a zesty lime juice – my go-to combo. Why? Because it's not just tasty; it does wonders for my skin and tummy. It is a delicious start to my day, trust me you may want to try it out. Then I add up some carbohydrates and chicken to energize my body and to keep at a balance

The medicines or vitamins you take, if any

No Pills, Just Thrills:
I'm not big on popping pills. Instead, I take my daily vitamins. These little guys team up with my food to make sure I'm getting all the good stuff my body needs. It's like a mini superhero squad for my health.

The water you drank


Water, My BFF:
Staying hydrated is my golden rule. I stick to pure sachet water; it's my trusty sidekick. Local water can be a bit iffy, so I play it safe. Sipping water all day long isn't just cool; it's my secret weapon for feeling awesome.

The exercise you did


Move It, Groove It:
Time to get the body moving! Whether it's hitting the gym or chasing a football around, I make sure I break a sweat every morning. It's not just about looking good; it's my energy booster for the day.

What you did to relax

Chill Time, Anytime:
After all that action, it's chill o'clock. I take a breather, maybe stretch a bit or zone out for a quick meditation sesh. It's my way of saying to my body, thanks for rocking it out. Let's chill for a sec.

The pain or tiredness you felt, etc.

Feeling the Burn (the Good Kind):
Yeah, I get a bit tired after all the jumping and running. But guess what? It's a good kind of tired. A short nap or a snack later, and I'm back on my feet, ready to tackle whatever comes my way.

So, there you have it – my not-so-secret recipe for a healthy, happy day. It's not rocket science; it's just little steps every day that add up to a better me. Here is to keeping it simple and staying awesome energized and busting my day!

What I've discovered about my day and my health and the things I need to improve on

Figuring out my day's health tricks, like a good breakfast and moving around, taught me that tiny daily choices really matter. It's like a secret code to feeling awesome. I'm also thinking of trying new exercises and new tasty foods to keep the fun going and make each day a health win!

I will also like to invite my friends @v-brainer @gidsbrown and @ella-jacob to this contest

 7 months ago 

Wow you really had a fullfil day. Nice post goodluck with the contest

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much dear brother. Best wishes

 7 months ago 

Your diet is full of nutrients i must say. Maintaining balance diet die to our busy schedule is always difficult that's why we go for the vitamins to supplement our meal. I love what you do as exercise to stay healthy. Continue the good work and don't forget to share your yummy food with me.

 7 months ago 

Smiles, thank you so much dear brother I can always share with you but it's not much sha oo 😂

 7 months ago 

No problem i'll manage🤣

 7 months ago 

Hello bro you are an ideal healthy being, is good water is your best friend forever and is very good that you ate a wonderful meal.

I normally work out but I don't life for now because I have no materials to prepare a dumb-bell set

I wish you good luck in this contest

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much for reading through my post. I was not having equipment too I just have to make do with the locally made instruments I have. Thank you so much bro

 7 months ago 

You are always welcome

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