Treating facial acne naturally with Tomatoes

in Healthy Steemlast year
IMG-20230605-WA0006.jpg designed by my friend @sahmie

Hello friends!!

Do you know that sometimes, some of the things we ignore might just be what we really need?

When some fruits or vegetables are mentioned, the first thing that comes to your mind would be for food right? But do you know there are some vegetables and fruits that are not just for food, they can serve as medicines for us.

There are several examples of such but today my case study is tomatoes..yes you heard me!!

tomatoes-5356_1280.jpgFresh tomatoes source

Tomatoes can not only be eating or used to make our delicious food but it can also be used as treatment for face Acne. I know you are surprised

IMG_20230601_124006_322.jpg A forehead with an acne

I have tried it before so am telling you now from experience that whenever you notice acne on your face, it is not something you should worry about. Just get your fresh tomatoes and do the job. You will thank me later..haha

Practice steps for acne treatment using tomatoes
  • Step 1

Wash your tomatoes clean and slice into two halves.

tomatoes-769999_1280.jpgtomatoes cut into two halves source
  • Step 2

Take one or both halves of the tomatoes and rub the juice of the tomatoes continuously over areas affected by acne.

IMG_20230602_093529_530.jpg rubbing the face with tomatoes
  • Step 3

After applying the tomatoes on face, leave face for about 15-20 minutes.

  • Step 4

Rinse your Face with water, I think warm water will go well.

You can do this practice until your face clears up. Sometimes it takes approximately 4-7 days for the face to finally clears up depending on the rate of acne on the face.

What tomatoes does for you when applied to the face
  • Tomatoes contains vitamins C which is needed for our skin to stop disease from affecting it.

  • Applying tomatoes to the face helps to take away cells that are inactive replacing them with new ones.

  • Application of tomatoes helps those who have oil skin because it reduces the oil in their face

  • Application of tomatoes helps to refresh our face and giving it a young and vibrant look.

What you should not do
  • Please do not apply tomatoes that are not good for eating on your face, because your face is actually eating the tomatoes..
  • Do not forget to wash out the tomatoes from face after application.

I hope you were able to learn how to treat face acne naturally with the use of tomatoes?

So the next time an acne appears you know what to do right? I bet you do

Thank you for reading..


I didn't know this I am really surprised. In my house we have always tomatoes to eat, I do not suffer from acne, but I think it is good also to remove impurity and deep clean, I think I will try it!

 last year 

Am so glad my publication was able to teach you something new..

Yes you can try it.


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @eliany

 last year 

Thank you so much @eliany

 last year 


 last year 

Ternyata tomat juga sangat bagus untuk kesehatan kulit wajah, itu luar biasa saudari

 last year 

Thank you so much


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