Steemit Engagement Challenge/s11w5- The four main factors of health"

in Healthy Steem10 months ago
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Hello healthy friends!!

Do you think maintaining your health is expensive? Then try been sick!!

What do you eat to stay healthy? How can you improve your diet

Staying healthy should be one of our major goals in life. I do not like been sick so, I do all I can can to be in health all the time.

What I eat is very important to me. Generally, I love good food, I feel so much joy when I eat what I love.

To stay healthy all the time I eat balanced diet, I mean food containing the 6 classes of food. But if it's not up to 6, it must contain atleast 4 classes like protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and water.

IMG_20221212_153823_571.jpgporiage beans and yamIMG_20221204_192918_009.jpgjollof rice , plantain and beef
IMG_20221204_144517_061.jpgjollof rice, chicken and salad

I improve my diet by making sure that in any meal I eat, I would take take some fruit after wards. Either I make smoothie or fruit juice or I eat the fruits that way. These fruits provides my body with the needed vitamins, increase my immune system and add the digestion of my food. One the fruits I like to eat after meals is either pineapple or banana. As you can see below.

IMG_20221128_183854_355.jpgbanana as my fruit after meal

Another way I improve my diet is to make sure to keep to my food routines. One of my food routines state that in the morning for breakfast I eat very light meals containing milk to help boost my brain with the needed energy.

IMG_20220601_132227_741.jpglight meal containing milk for breakfast

Also the next routine I keep is to make sure not to eat so late at night, I eat my heavy meals in the evenings like swallow with soups containing vegetables.

What is your sleeping pattern and how can you improve it

Our body works better when we find time to rest by sleeping. Am a very busy person, so my sleep is mostly at night from 11pm to 5am. This means that I sleep for 6hours.

sleeping-1311784_1280.jpgenough sleep source

For a long time now this has been my sleeping pattern. But other times, I find myself sleeping for less time like from 1am to 5am which is 4 hours sleep but this doesn't happen all the time.

There was even a time I didn't sleep at all. I worked all through the nights but guess what I broke down, which I was sick and since then I decided not to try that again.

To improve my sleeping pattern I have decided that during the day I would sleep for atleast 30 minutes every day. And during the night I would sleep for at least 8 hours. I would go to bed on time maybe by 9pmand wake up by 5am.

What are your daily exercise or activities? Do you need to do more

I do most of my activities at home except on Sundays where I need to attend service or the days am called upon to get to the office or run errands by my boss.

Every evening I make sure I walk from my house to the junction and back home. This is a sweet form of exercise for me because as I walk I also take time to reflect on things in my life. I walk for about 30-45minutes every day.

Each time I wake up I usual go into my kitchen to stretch my body. My kitchen serves a dual purpose for me. I do little exercises to keep my self fit for the day.

I don't think I need to do more exercise aside this, the economy alone in my country makes one already fit. If I have to do more exercise then it means that I would loose so much weight and that would no longer suit me, people might even begin to ask if am sick.

What do you do for mental fitness

The total wellbeing of an individual is very important and mental health is not an option if so. For me there are just some things I do to boost my mental health.

  • I play interactive and brain engaging games on my phone.

There are just so games I love so I downloaded some on my phone while the rest comes as a pop up on my screen to use data and play. It's not only fun to play games but it keeps my mind in check.

Screenshot_20230825-134719_1.jpgGames from my phone
  • Second thing I do to keep fit is to read books.

I have over 2000 books in my phone, I read them not only to get knowledge but to educate my mind too and be fit. Books helps me alot when I read.

Screenshot_20230825-135324_1.jpgone of the soft copy books from my phone
  • I engage in discussions with friends and family that makes me happy.

This is the third way or thing I do for the sake of my mental health. Discussions either face to face or through calls and chats keeps my mind together!

Thank you for reading.. This time let me hear from my friends @chant @lhorgic @okere-blessing

 10 months ago 

Breakfast in the morning is something you do to keep your body in good health. Success for you

 10 months ago 

Yes breakfast is very important meal for the day. Thank you for your support

No wonder you are looking so healthy,so this is what you are enjoying. I admire the way you take care of your health. Keep it up dear.

 10 months ago 

Hahaha you just gave me a good laugh 😂
If I don't enjoy who will? Health is expensive I have learnt that by experience so I do all I can to keep the divine health I have

Thank you for stopping by..

Kiss. 😍



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

 10 months ago 

Thank you so much @pelon53

 10 months ago 

I don't think I need to do more exercise aside this, the economy alone in my country makes one already fit.

You got me cracking!! Indeed health start from our food, drinks and also our general lifestyle. Walking is part of exercise and your doing great. May you always be healthy!

 10 months ago 

Hahahaha! Now you said it, I had to read again to laugh at myself. Thank you ma for reading..

If I don't take care of myself, who will?

 10 months ago 

All works, no play is said to make Jack a dull boy, but in your case you are not boy and definitely not a Jack.

For you to carry out every activities correctly, you need to eat good meal, adequate rest, physical fitness and a sharp mind to accompany them. Hence, the four factors of Health.

And I happy to see you have them all. Good luck in the contest my friend.

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