Steemit Engagement Challenge|S11w4-" The Experience of surgery or injury by accident"

in Healthy Steemlast year
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Hello friends!!..

Many people I know are scared of going to the hospital talk more of having a surgery, I am one of such people but what could be the reason?

Tell us what Surgery have you or a family member or Friend performed and why?

In my opinion a surgery is done when a part of the body is cut to open..for whatever reason it is that a cut is made, I regard it as a surgery.

Sometimes It's either a part of the body undergoes a form or repair or a preventive measures to keep one safe through some procedures then I also regard it as a surgery.

But recently I have seen and heard that there are some surgery that doesn't necessarily require the physical cutting of the flesh or any part. Is that true?

I know some person's who have gone through the experience of having a surgery. Let me tell you about a family friend.

In 2019, A family friend who lived in the city of Lagos in Nigeria on his way back from work decided to go home on a bike because of the terrible traffic on the Lagos road. This young man was barely 22 years old at that time and was on his industrial attachment (I.T) in an organization, so he wasn't even done with school.

The bike was on had a terrible accident because a trailer hit them on top speed. He landed with his head. Broke his two legs, one hand and his head. He had injuries all over but he didn't die. The bike man was in coma for 3 days finally woke up and after a week died.

This family friend has been on a wheel chair now for 4 years now and has been at home without schooling. He has gone through series of surgeries ranging from brain surgery, leg surgery, hand surgery, and many others. It's not been easy for the family. The mum could not take it, she died last year.

This young man has had 3 surgeries on his head. Once during one of the brain surgery, he had convulsion. We all thought he would not make it. He was in coma for 24 hours. It was terrible!!

Just few weeks ago he had another surgery in his left leg. The pain this young man has gone through is not funny at all. But he had to go through all this surgeries so that he can be well again and walk with his two legs.

Do you consider surgery the solution to health problem?

At this level of my life now, witnessing what my family friend has been going through since the accident I would say yes I consider surgery as a part of the solution to health problem because in his case, his brain has been fixed to normal because of the brain surgery.

After the accident when I visited him at the hospital, he could not recognize people, he kept talking things that made no sense. But after the brain surgery, I think that health problem was corrected and now his brain is back to normal.

I also have a friend who had issues with her sight, she had an eye surgery and her eye sight was corrected. So yes I consider surgery to be a solution to health problem in many cases.

Have you or family member or Friend suffered an accident that requires Sutures? Tell us how was it

So far I have not suffered any accident that requires any form of sutures in my body. Because sutures are usually done to put back parts of the body that was cut or injured.

But that my family friend I talked about above has been through suture. I remember his right leg was badly cut when the accident occured and he lost lots of blood. So that part of the body was stitched up together.

It was a painful experience for him. Although when the stitching took place he was unconscious but when he woke up he felt serious pains that he was given some pain relief.

When this events exist which health center do you go to or simply go to the home remedies, tell us which one you go to!

Growing up mum hardly took us to the hospital. In cases like slight injuries during a home accident, she uses home remedies to stop the blood, other times she administers first aid treatment.


Once I was cleaning the house as a teenager, and a Sharp object cut dip in to my right finger. Blood came out uncontrollably. Mum quickly washed off the blood and applied mentholated spirit on it to stop the bleeding and it stopped.

For serious cases like accident going to the hospital is the best option, so that the doctors and nurses who have gained experience in such cases can handle it.

My cousin once came for holiday in my house and was hit by a car while trying to cross the road. We took her to the hospital. The name of the hospital is St Gerard catholic hospital. Location. This is the hospital where my mum gave birth to all her children.

I invite my friends @ninapenda @lhorgic @pea07

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