My Daily Healthy Dynamics 👩‍⚕️- Effects of Pollution on the Environment by @rossnenye

in Healthy Steem3 months ago

Hello everyone, good evening to you all. Hope you all had an amazing day today? Welcome back to my blog. Pollution is now a thing of concern in our World today because of the adverse effects it has on us.


What is Pollution?

This is the release or introduction of toxic substances into the environment which are detrimental to health. Various pollutants has enormous effect on man, environment and wildlife.

Types of pollution
  • Air pollution

This is the release of harmful substances into the air. Examples of air pollutants includes

  • Smokes
  • Fumes from cars.
  • Dust and chemicals from Factories.
Effects of air pollution
  • Inhaling toxic pollutants and chemicals can lead to numerous respiratory problems.

  • It can equally cause Cancer and other terminal illnesses.

  • Water pollution

This is the contamination of water bodies such as river, lake, stream, pond, sea, ocean by pollutants. Such pollutants includes.

  • Hydrocarbons
  • Pharmaceutical wastes
  • Heavy metals
  • House hold wastes
  • Sewage
  • Industrial wastes.
  • Agricultural wastes.
Effects of water pollution

Contaminated water when drank can cause water borne disease such as diarrhea, dysentery e.t.c. Water pollutants can equally lead to the death of aquatic animals. It can also cause serious issues for man, when it enters from the food chain through fish.

  • Land Pollution

This is the contamination of the soil by harmful substances such as

  • Agricultural pollutants
  • Industrial waste
  • Insecticides
  • Pesticides.
Effects of land pollution

Pollutants can affect the growth of plants. Crops cultivated on a polluted land can be very harmful to man when consumed.

  • Noise pollution

This is excess noise which can damage the eardrum or cause more harm. Examples of noise pollution includes.

  • Noise from industrial site.
  • Noise from the road.
Effects of noise pollution

Noise pollution has so many effects which includes, hearing loss, tinnitus, High blood pressure, confusion, lack of concentration, memory loss e.t.c.

  • Afforestation

This is the planting of trees after cutting down trees. Trees helps in filtering our air because they take in carbon monoxide and release oxygen.

  • Awareness creation

Awareness should be created, people should be lectured on the dangers of pollution and the part everyone gets to play in order to have a clean environment.

  • Punishment of offenders

People caught polluting the environment should be severely punished to serve as lesson to others.

  • Waste treatment

Waste substance such as sewage should be properly treated before they're released into the environment.

  • Recycling

Non degradable wastes like plastic bottles should be recycled.

Finally, we all have a role to play in making our environment clean and habitable.

Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @missyleo, @woka-happiness and @akareen to participate in the contest.

 3 months ago 

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