Contest || Share Effective Tip To Boost Your Immune System by @rossnenye

in Healthy Steem5 months ago

Hello everyone, good evening to you all. Hope you all had an amazing day today? Welcome back to my blog. Today, I will be writing about the Immune system, highlighting the definition, types and ways of boosting it.


What is Immune system
Immune system can be defined as a network of organs, tissues and cells that works together to fight against infection and foreign particles in the body.

Types of Immune system

Active immunity

This is when the body produces antibodies and cells to fight a particular intruder.

This immunity can be acquired when you fall sick and recover. The sickness makes the body to produces antibodies and anytime that particular sickness attacks you, the antibodies fights it.

Vaccination which is the injecting of attenuated pathogens into the body to elicit immune response is also type of active immunity.

Passive immunity

This is the type of immunity that is acquired.

Ways of boosting the Immune system


Drinking water regularly is a great way of boosting the Immune system.

Adequate sleep

Sleep is a good source of rest and a great way of boosting the Immune system. Make sure to sleep atleast 8 hours every day.

Exercise regularly

Exercising daily helps to regulate the immune function. This exercise can range from dancing, trekking, skipping, jogging, running, playing ball, golf e.t.c.

Reduce stress

Stress is a killer, learn to reduce and manage stress. We can reduce stress by doing things that makes us happy, hanging out with friends and family e.t.c.

Eat healthy

Health eating is a good way of regulating the immune function.

Include more of fruits and vegetables in your daily meal plan.

Eat healthy fats like olive oil, avocado e.t.c.

Routine medical checkups

Go for routine medical checkups, do not self medicate.


Always wear a smile on your face.

Thanks for reading through, I invite @ebeke, @kavi999 and @knaus to participate in this contest.

 5 months ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest dear.

 5 months ago 

Thanks dear.

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