Caring for Our Elderly by @rossnenye

in Healthy Steem4 months ago (edited)

Good morning to the wonderful members of this Community. It's contest o'clock. I wouldn't write without appreciating @sahmie for organizing this contest, giving us the opportunity to write and learn from each other. Old age is a blessing and we all pray to live long.



How can we promote better health for the elderly in our communities?

We can promote better health care for the elderly by the following.

  • Providing free medical care for them.

As we age our wealth age as well. Some elderly people, especially those who does not have children find it very hard to cater for their medical bills, as we all know, old age comes with so many sickness and provision of free health care will go a long way in catering for the elderly.

  • Educating them on healthy eating

Old age usually comes with lots of sickness like high blood pressure, Diabetes, arthritis and eating healthy meals will help them to manage this sickness.

  • Assisting them

We can offer to help them with house chores and running errands.

What are some ways we can promote good mental health and well-being in older adults?

  • Social interaction

Encourage them to interact with family, villagers and friends.

  • Regular Exercise

Encourage them to do exercises like walking, jogging, yoga e.t.c.

  • Healthy eating habit

Eating balanced diet will help to promote good mental health.

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Encourage them to eat adequate diets, drink plenty of water, sleep regularly and manage stress.

Share some strategies we could use for managing chronic pain in the elderly?

  • Proper medical care, diagnosis, medication and treatment will help to reduce pain.

  • Healthy eating habit, exercise, therapy, massage will also go a long way to reduce pain.

  • Proper stress management, adequate sleep and rest will also help to alleviate pain.

What can we do to improve access to healthcare for older adults?

  • Making provisions for caregivers and nurses who care for the elderly.

  • Providing health insurance services, affordable health care services and free health outreaches for the elderly.

  • Educating them on healthy eating, lifestyles and ways to manage their health conditions

  • Promoting tele health in order to make health care accessible.

  • Offering training and support to family members who take care of the elderly

What can be done to address social isolation among older individuals?

  • Encourage them to socialize with people in their community.

  • Provision of recreational center for the elderly and ensuring they offer diverse social activities.

  • Encourage interaction with their age mates.

  • Utilizing modern technology by using various social media platforms to reach out to people especially those with limited Mobility.

Thanks for reading through, I invite @akofem, @joymm and @nayavee to participate in this contest.

 4 months ago 

Hi @rossnenye

I hope you are well and enjoying your life and I read your post and I was very happy that you have written so much for the beautiful ones and I am very happy. Sir, when I read the entire post, I know many things, the first thing I understood and there are some people in our community, when their parents get old, they send them to an old age home or their own. If we take them out of the house, we should not do this at all. We should take care of our elders. We should love them and respect them.

 4 months ago (edited)


 4 months ago 

This is a very very beautiful piece, I must say as it is filled with strong and useful advice. This particular part feels me with amazement;

As we age our wealth age as well. Some elderly people, especially those who does not have children find it very hard to cater for their medical bills, as we all know, old age comes with so many sickness and provision of free health care will go a long way in catering for the elderly.

And I really agree here with you, thanks for crafting such beautiful post.

Love ya,

 4 months ago (edited)

Thanks for your comment dear, I really appreciate it.

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