Breaking Bad Habits by @rossnenye

in Healthy Steem5 months ago
Hello everyone, good evening to you all. Hope your day all went as planned?


Definition of bad habits

Bad habits can be defined as negative behavior we constantly display and can have serious impact on our general well-being. Bad habits are usually very hard to change, but with the right support, one can overcome them.

What are some bad habits that are hard to stop, and why is it tough to quit them?
  • Procrastination
    This has to do with constantly postponing things because of fear of maybe failure or what people will say.

  • Nail bitting
    This is another serious habit many people are guilty of. The victim unconsciously does that when ever they're bored, lonely or nervous.

  • Dirtiness
    People might ask if dirtiness is an habit, yes it is an habit birthed by laziness to take care of oneself and the surroundings.

  • Drug abuse
    Taking hard drugs like Indian hemp, marijuana, cracks and the rest of them is one bad habit with so many health issues. The abusers usually behave funny whenever they don't take those substance.

  • Belittling oneself
    People with this bad habit always think lowly of themselves, they always feel every other person is better than them.

  • Inability to say no
    They're people that finds it quite hard to say no to people especially when it comes to work, errands e.t.c. They do so inorder not to offend people but they ends up suffering it.

How can we tell if a habit is just a habit or if it's more like an addiction? And what can we do to break them?

Bad habits can be known with the following points

  • It can be easily managed.

  • It can be easily stopped if the person puts in the work.

  • It doesn't take longer time to stop.

How we can break them?
  • Seek for help
    In some cases, bad habits can be difficult to quit. Seek for help from professionals when quitting is difficult.

  • Be patient with yourself
    Bad habits is not something you wake up one morning and quit. You have to take baby steps.

  • Join support groups
    In support groups nobody judges, you will see people who had similar experiences and also those who were able to break free.

  • Identify triggers
    Every bad habit have triggers, try to remove triggers first.

  • Celebrate yourself
    Celebrate the little progress you make along the journey.

What are some challenges that people might face when trying to quit bad habits, and how can they overcome them?
  • Triggers
    Triggers can make someone start what they promised never to do again.

  • Peer pressure
    Hanging out with friends that encourage such bad habits can make someone to start all over.

  • Relapses
    This is going back into old habits, it's like starting from square one.

  • Lack of support
    Lack of support from family and friends can trigger old habits.

Ways to overcome them
  • Join a support group

  • Seek for help.

  • Avoid triggers.

  • Be patient on yourself.

How can we support and encourage others to quit their bad habits without being judgmental or pushy?
  • Offer them support, like paying for their therapy sessions.

  • Advice and encourage them at altimes, share stories of people that overcame their bad habits in the past with them. Also serve as a shoulder for them to lean on.

  • Celebrate them when they're making progress.

  • Offer them little distractions like hanging out, exercising, playing games in order to keep them busy.

  • Avoid judging them.

Finally, quitting bad habits is not a day journey, it a gradual process that can be achieved with the right support.

Thanks for reading through my post, I invite @kidi40, @richy20 and @bela90 to participate in this contest.


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