SEC-S13/W4| "The Role of the Caregiver ♥️ "

in Healthy Steem7 months ago

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the third week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about The Role of the Caregiver.

👩‍⚕️ Have you played the role of caregiver or do you know someone who has put it into practice? Tell us about it.

I have played this role as a family. When a member of our family falls ill, my mother takes care of him most closely. But when my mother fell ill, I took the responsibility of taking care of her and tried to perform the services she provided for the family in her presence.

There is no other female member in our house except my mother. When my mother is ill, along with taking care of her, I try to keep the house clean, wash clothes and do other household chores. Moreover, I have a good idea of how to cure a sick person at home, so I played this role.

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👩‍⚕️ Do you think that caring for a sick person should be a team effort or the work of a single person?

A sick person needs all necessary services to get well. But for a single person, taking care of all kinds of services for a sick person can be very difficult. Because taking care of all the other tasks besides serving the patient can be stressful. So I think that caring for a sick person is best done as a team effort.

Because a single person may struggle to provide patient services with punctuality, the patient may feel dependent on one person, which may make him or her sicker. So I think if a person gets a team effort he can recover faster.

👩‍⚕️ What qualities do you think a caregiver should have?

A caregiver should be very active and punctual. If the patient's caregiver is not able to provide medicine and necessary services to the patient at the right time, then the patient may face many problems in recovery.

Apart from being punctual, the caregiver should be able to behave in a friendly manner. A patient expects that he will not be neglected, that someone will treat him in a friendly manner and that the caregiver will not be reluctant to serve him.

Mind power is the greatest medicine. If the patient can be reassured that he will recover quickly, no disease can prevent him from recovering. So a caregiver should be a motivator who always gives courage and morale to the patient.

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👩‍⚕️ What advice would you give to a person who is performing this role?

First of all, I salute and respect all nurses, caregivers who do social services without paid. All of us have been ill at some point and have had to seek the services of a caregiver to get well. So the advice to the person performing this role is to perform his duties in the same way as he would expect from a caregiver during his own illness. The satisfaction of the Lord can be attained by serving the patient so the person performing this role should do it selflessly and with dedication.

I would like to invite my friends @enamul17 @mdkamran99 @solaymann to participate in this content. Contest Link: SEC-S13-W4: “The Role of the Caregiver”

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 7 months ago 

¡Hola amigo!

Me alegro que seas un buen hijo y puedas cuidar a tu madre cuando enferma. Es de mucha ayuda poder contar con el apoyo de la familia.

Las enfermeras hacen un gran trabajo y hay que reconocerles su labor.

Te deseo éxitos en el desafío. Saludos y bendiciones 🙏

 7 months ago 

Thanks for visiting dear friend.

 7 months ago 

Hola querido amigo un placer saludarte 🤗
Cuidar a un ser querido ya sea familiar o amigo, principalmente lo debemos realizar con la mejor disposición, brindándoles apoyo emocional, amor y siendo tolerantes ante las dificultades.
Conocer cada detalle de nuestro paciente enfermo será lo mejor para ver pronta mejoría, es decir siendo puntuales con su medicina, conociendo cada síntoma de la enfermedad que padece, de esta manera lo ayudaremos y son puntos claves también para nosotros llevar nuestra labor con más tranquilidad y en orden.
Buenas recomendaciones para los que desempeñan este rol, me encanto leerte ✨.
Saludos y Bendiciones 🙏🏻

Everyone in the family should take care of others when they fall ill. This is what is called family. You take care of your mother, help her in household chores. Give them complete rest. Being a boy, this is very commendable.

 7 months ago 

Hello Friend, @ripon0630
You have so generously discussed the qualities of a caregiver, which reflects the clarity of your inner heart.
I would like to request you to please read the views of a newcomer like me on this issue and give your comments.
Thank you.

 7 months ago 
Hello friend.... So good reading and interesting post frm you this morning...

The role of a caregiver is multifaceted and complex. Caregivers play a vital role in the lives of their loved ones, providing physical, emotional, and social support. They may assist with activities of daily living, such as cooking, cleaning, and transportation. They may also help with more complex tasks, such as managing finances, coordinating medical appointments, and providing emotional support. Caregivers often work alongside a team of professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists. This teamwork is essential to providing comprehensive and coordinated care.

Before I miss this important detail You mentioned on your posts. The qualities of a good caregiver include empathy, patience, resilience, and adaptability. It's important for caregivers to be able to understand and share the feelings of the person they are caring for, while remaining patient and resilient in the face of challenging situations. They should also be able to adapt to changing circumstances and be flexible in their approach to caregiving. Does that cover the qualities you were looking for?


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @wilmer1988

Such a delightful and engaging post from you this morning! The role of a caregiver is indeed multifaceted and complex. Caregivers play a crucial role in the lives of their loved ones, offering physical, emotional, and social support. From everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning to more complex responsibilities such as managing finances and coordinating medical appointments, caregivers provide invaluable assistance. Their collaboration with a team of professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapists, ensures comprehensive and well-coordinated care.

 7 months ago 

Es tan atractiva la publicación que hasta le hiciste plagio amigo, que mala jugada.

Hello @oneidaa Hope you are doing well , i am extremely very sorry for this move , i will not plagiarized any content in future this was my first time please forgive me i apologize extremely sorry to all steemit communities.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 7 months ago 

Hola amigo 👋

Cuidar a una persona enferma no es nada fácil. Que bendición que tú mamá pueda contar contigo y puedas cuidarla nada más hermoso para un padre poder contar con el apoyo y amor de sus hijos cuando lo necesitan.

Saludos y bendiciones 🤗

 7 months ago 

I am really happy I visited your article. Indeed you are a great caregiver, I enjoyed how you took good care of your mother when she was sick, you fitted into her "big shoes" doing all the chores, washing the plates and a host of other activities, even when there is no other female in your home. Hearing these words inspires me all the more my friend.

I must say also being punctual and friendly as a caregiver cannot be over emphasised. Yes a huge shout-out to all the nurses and doctors, care giving really requires more than just care it's a virtue.

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