Wk 24: The Diary Game and Your Health| My Entire Day

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog today. I still remain @noraandy. It's been an amazing day. So I'm here to share how my day went. First, I want to thank @aaliarubab for this contest about health. It's no news that we all have to take our health's seriously to stay a while on earth.

Now there are things one needs to do in other to stay healthy, it ranges from exercise to dieting, to living without or a little portion of alcohol, etc.

My morning exercise


When I woke up today, I didn't feel like stepping out of the house or even doing any indoor workout. After my prayers, I was just on bed, stood up to do some chores, then I had a call come into my phone, I checked, it was the new friend i made the last time i went out to join others to exercise.

She told me she was passing through my area, that I should join her so we can go join others to do some exercise. I had to get p, brush my teeth, shower, dress up and step out to join her. I must say, I had fun today exercising.

My diet


So, after the exercise, i couldn't jog home, I had to enter keke and get home, i was just feeling tired already. When I got home, I managed to do some chores and decided I was going to have a fruit breakfast today after my shower. I had the pear I got from last night, I added my cucumber and watermelon from the fridge and boiled two eggs and ate it.

The water I drank


To me, water is life. I can't stay without drinking water, and even if I take any other liquid, water must come in o. There are a lot of water production in my country of residence, most aren't treated well.

Most boreholes aren't treated for drinking direct, so I get to buy this Uniuyo water because I was advised that the water is treated and purified well. Infact, most people drink this water. It's what I take mostly at home, except I have to boil water and put in plastics.

The exercise I did and what I did to relax

Since I already did a lot of exercise today, I just didn't feel like doing much, my friend called me to come out let's go play inside water, not swim. So, I got dressed and stepped out to go meet her at the pool side.


On getting there, I just didn't feel like swimming again because the weather changed like rain was going to fall, I just had to sit down and watch her swim a bit. It started drizzling, so I had to book a ride and return home. On getting home, I made pancakes to eat.


When I got home, I played some indoor games and had fun inside, had to visit STEEMIT and read some publications and learn some recipe from other communities. I had a good day. I hope you had too.

What I discovered about my day is that it was filled with fun activities, no strained activities to do, just relax and i did some exercises to keep being healthy

I would like to invite @nancy0, @inudi and @alamin19 to join this contest.

 2 months ago 

Hi @noraandy,

Your health dairy is very interesting. Also, I think your food plate is high in good nutrition. Thanks for inviting me, I will see you soon with my post.😊

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