My Daily Healthy Dynamics -Healthy Lifestyle

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Hello friends

I want to thank @hive-168205 for this dynamic contest about health. Today being Monday, I get to talk on my healthy lifestyle.

We need to understand what a healthy lifestyle is:

A lifestyle that is healthy is how one does things either daily or hourly or weekly to avoid being ill or having series of problem, or some leading to untimely death. You'll be amazed how a thing like malaria, without early check and treatment can cause death. Most diseases can be prevented or treated early to avoid a bigger issue or death.

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A healthy life style should be paramount to everyone. When we take good care of our body, say physical body, we feel good, relaxed and fit to deal with other activities of life.

There are several meaning of healthy lifestyle asides just the body, healthy lifestyle can also be about the way a person lives his life, his attitude towards people and things, his habits, tastes, and his moral standards.


People have different ways of balancing their lives and it varies. There are people that once they wake up, it's to hit the gym to keep fit, some do it to lose weight. While others go out to jog, some just work out within the comfort of their homes. Dancing is another means people use too.

While some prefer to wake up to green smoothie, while some herbal tea, any healthy drink to start up your day.

In the spirit of balancing life, some people like to travel to ease themselves off work loads or stress. There are ways people use to balance their life.

How I balance my life is in a week, say two or three days I do home workout.


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What we put in our body(consume) is what nourishes our body for development or causes issues for our body. Our body needs the 6 classes of food to survive(carbohydrates, fat & oil, protein, vitamins, minerals, and water) but when you're looking for a way to lose weight, your nutrition changes for your body to burn the calories.

Asides what we eat, what we drink too nourishes our body. Good nutrition improves your immune system that helps to fight most diseases.

As for me, I eat little of this or that, I sometimes do heavy carbohydrates and sometimes I don't eat it for a while, I choose other foods to eat.


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It's adviced by doctors that have studied human body and system to take your sleeping hour seriously. The night time sleep should be between 5-7hrs. If during the day you want to take your siesta, it should be like 2-4hrs.

The body at some point needs to relax and take care of itself and that can only be done when you're sleeping. That's why you wake up feeling refreshed.

I sleep say 5hrs at night and hardly take afternoon naps.


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Alot of people tend to work under stress, that's living in stress. How do you manage it? To me, those who don't have much time other than work, can't seem to find a way to manage their stressful life.

Imagine working a 8am-6pm work, that's 12hrs work, you have just few hours to figure things out. So, you find a way to manage yourself.

For me, I most times spend an hour or two in an open field ,just sitting to view the trees dance and, I also indulge in indoor games with my family. Or read a book but I take alot of time to read books. It helps soothe me.

I also go to pools to swim and have fun hanging out with friends. Or I go for a body massage to ease my stress.

I invited @chiomzy810, @dave-hanny and @basil20 to join this contest.


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