My Daily Healthy Dynamics - Diabetes

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Hello Beautiful people of Healthy Steem community, I hope you all are having an amazing day. To those putting more effort to survive, please hang in there. I want to thank @hive-168205 for this daily healthy dynamics contest. Today being Tuesday, we get to have an educational talk. So today I picked Diabetes.


Health, it takes a whole lot to be healthy, it involves your mental state, emotional health and physical well-being. Once you or your body gives up on these, diseases sets in. There are numerous conditions and diseases that affects the human body.



Diabetes, the medical term is Diabetes Mellitus. This disease affects the body when it can no longer produce enough insulin, thereby causing high blood sugar/pressure, or the body cannot properly use the insulin it produces.

What happens is if the hormone insulin that moves sugar from the blood into your cell malfunction is, then that's when you may have diabetes. If nothing is done fast when you notice you have diabetes, it can damage the kidneys, eyes, nerves and other organs in the body.



What symptoms do you guess? Of course diabetes symptoms are caused when your blood sugar rises, but we have general symptoms which are;

• Increased hunger, once you stay and notice you get hungry easily and fast.

• Increased throat

• Weight loss

• Frequent urination

• Blurry vision

• Extreme fatigue

• Sores that don't heal

The symptoms in men and women varies;
For men they notice; they have decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction and poor muscle strength.
For women; they experience vaginal dryness, yeast infection, dry, itchy skin/urinary tract infections.



The prevention strategies of diabetes involves making small adjustments to your diet and fitness routine either on a daily base or weekly base. Few things to be done in respect to prevention:

• Eat more vegetables, whole grains and fruits.

• Eat smaller portions of your meal when you want to eat.

• Try to have at least 120min of aerobics exercise like cycling, walking or even swimming.

• Cut trans fat and saturated fat, likewise refined carbohydrates off your food.

Meanwhile, there are other ways to prevent diabetes.

I would like to invite @arinza08, @nancy0 and @inber to join this contest, thank you.

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